“In her Boston-style, two-story house by the sea, Kaahumanu lay in her large bed, daily growing weaker. Realizing that the end was near, she asked to be taken to Pukaomaomao, her mountain home far up in Manoa Valley.”
“While eager to grant her every wish, Dr. Judd doubted the wisdom of moving her from bed in her feeble condition. Then her devoted Hawaiian retainers offered to carry the bed, with her in it, over the long trail up the Valley. Dr. Judd consented.”
“Forthwith the attendants set about to make the journey as comfortable as possible. Over her bed they built a canopy of woven palm fronds to shield her from the direct rays of the sun. For sake of the woodland goddess Laka, they trimmed the canopy with bright hibiscus flowers and over the sides hung garlands of fragrant maile and golden ilima.”
“Carefully, and ever so tenderly, the bearers lifted the heavy bed with its heavy occupant upon their broad shoulders and carried their beloved queen forth into her Valley of Rainbows. Slowly the procession moved up the Valley.”
“Kaahumanu grew weaker. Mr. Bingham said that her knowledge of approaching death left her without perturbation. The Hawaiians in attendance felt that she had lost the will to live.”
“Members of the alii surrounded the couch; Mr. Bingham knelt by the side. ‘Perceiving herself to be dying she called to me; and as I took her cold hand in mine she inquired, ‘Is it Bingham?’ I replied, ‘It is I.’ She then turned her languid and friendly eyes upon me and said, ‘I am going now … where the mansions are ready.’’”
“Closing her eyes Kaahumanu appeared to sleep. Throughout the night the sorrowing group held vigil around the death-couch. And just before dawn of June 5 (1832), the great soul of Kaahumanu departed.”
“With realization that she was gone came a burst of bitter wailing from the Hawaiians inside the room. … The wailing increased in volume and intensity until Mr. Bingham and Kuakini appeared in the doorway of the house and signaled for silence. ‘The almost immediate stillness that prevailed seemed magical and mysterious,’ wrote Mrs. Judd.”
“The funeral service was read by Mr. Bingham. Then to ‘the slow and solemn tolling of the bell’ the body was carried to the mausoleum which held the caskets of King Liholiho and his consort Kamamalu.”
“In silence they watched the foreign casket placed in a foreign tomb. And even in the company of Liholiho and Kamamalu it seemed to them that Kaahumanu was still alone.”
“For in a secret cavern, somewhere on the Kona coast, wrapped in tapa, and lying in a basket woven of wild mountain vines, reposed the bones of the Lonely Warrior, Kamehameha the Great, the true love of Kaahumanu, the Magnificent Matriarch.”
“It was nearing midnight. The kukui torches before the royal mausoleum in the palace grounds had burned out. Gone was the last mourner of the thousands who, during the past two weeks, had sobbed their aloha ino at the sepulcher of their alii. Only the royal guard of honor remained. Over the silent village of Honolulu brooded the moonless night.”
“Stealthily, out of the darkness appeared a group of eight men led by Governor Kuakini. Six of the men carried sandfilled bags; the seventh, a large surf-board; the eighth, a fresh banana stalk. They moved silently into the tomb.”
“Exactly at the sacred hour of midnight Governor Kuakini reappeared in the doorway. Pausing a moment, he started walking toward the beach. Close behind him came the eight men. Upon their powerful shoulders they bore the surfboard upon which lay a large tapa-covered bundle.”
“Silently, and with carefully broken step, they made their cautious way to a secluded beach area near Kewalo, eastward of
Honolulu harbor.”
“There, gathered in silence, waited a small group of old Hawaiians, men and women. In the gentle surf lay a double canoe steadied by the crew standing waist-deep. Dimly visible offshore beyond the reef was the ship in which Kuakini had come to Honolulu from the island of Hawaii.”
“To the water’s edge and onto the deck between the hulls of the double canoe stepped Kuakini. The eight men, standing alongside, gently lifted aboard their burden, the surfboard and its tapa-covered bundle. The deep hush of night was broken only by the sound of waves lapping softly against the shore.”
“The canoe merged with the darkness, became remote, mysterious. Only the sound of paddles drifted back on the gentle night breeze. Fainter.”
“Now there was only the sound of the mourners’ own muffled sobs and the muted threnody of their Sorrow. Tear-filled eyes watched the phantom shape of the big canoe blend with the dim bulk of the waiting ship. Then both disappeared in the blackness of a night lit only by the gleaming stars of Kane.”
Reportedly, Kuakini, with the help of Hoapili and Ho‘olulu (who had previously hidden the bones of Kamehameha) took the bones of Kaahumanu, the favorite wife of Kamehameha, so she would be with Kamehameha forever. (All here is from Mellen.)
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Difficult to ascertain from the account, how much time passed between her initial intombment and the move of her body to Kona. Can you clarify?
She died on June 5, the transfer happened about 4-days later.