Following the annexation of Hawaiʻi to the United States in 1898, plans evolved for the coastal defense of the island and the Naval … [Continue Reading...]
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Jean François de Galaup, comte de LaPérouse
, by Peter T Young
“… the island of Mowhee (Maui) looked delightful …. We could see waterfalls tumbling down the mountainside into the sea … the trees … [Continue Reading...]
Nu‘uanu Valley
, by Peter T Young
“Within the famous valley of that nameNow twice or thrice the high wind blows each year,In spiteful gusts: sometimes it comes with … [Continue Reading...]
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These posts are part of a personal learning experience; I have been searching to learn more about the place I and my family were born, raised, and live (and love) – then, share what I have learned.
Because of my Planning work across the Islands, as well as previously serving as Director of the State Department of Land and Natural Resources, State Historic Preservation Officer and Deputy Managing Director for Hawaiʻi County, I have had the opportunity to see some places and deal with some issues that many others have not had, nor will have, the same opportunity.
So, I am sharing some insights, events and places with others. These informal historic summaries are presented for personal, non-commercial and/or educational purposes. I hope you enjoy them. Thanks, Peter.