After about 160 days at sea, on March 30, 1820, the Pioneer Company of American Protestant missionaries first sighted the Islands. Later that day, they learned Kamehameha died, Liholiho was now King and the kapu was abolished. Journal entries from some on the Thaddeus tell how they felt …
Thaddeus Journal
“March 30, 1820 – Let us thank God and take courage. Early this morning the long looked for Owahyee and the cloud capt and snow spt Mauna Keah appear full in view to the joy of the animated multitude on board …”
“… Capt. B. (Blanchard) this afternoon sent off a boat to make inquiries respecting the king &c. Mr. Hunnewell, a mate, Thos. Hopoo, J. Tamoree and others, went nearly to the shore and fell in with 10 or 12 native fishermen in their canoes …”
“… who readily gave the important information that the aged King Tameamaah is dead – that Reehoreeho his son succeeds him – that the images of his Gods are burned …”
“The moment seems favorable for the introduction of Christianity and the customs of civilized life, and our hopes are strengthened that there will be welcome. …”
“Our hearts do rejoice, … and tho’ we believe we shall have trials enough to give exercise to faith and patience, yet our hearts do rejoice to hear the voices of one crying, ‘In the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for your God’”.
“March 31 … Sing, O Heavens for the Lord hath done it.”
Sybil Bingham Journal
“March 30th, 1820. – Memorable day … Our hearts beat high, and each countenance spoke the deep interest felt as we crowded around our messengers at their return. With almost breathless impatience to make the communication, they leap on board and say …”
“… Tamaahmaah is dead! The government is settled in the hands of his son Keehoreeho-Krimokoo is principal chief—the taboo system is no more–men and women eat together! – the idol gods are burned!!”
“How did we listen! What could we say? The Lord has gone before us and we wait to see what He has for us to do.”
Samuel Ruggles Journal
“March 30th. Last night about 1 o’clock brother Hopoo came to my room almost in an ecstasy of joy and told me to get up and see Owhyhee (Hawai‘i) … “
“I will leave it to my friends to imagine what our feelings are at the sight of land, that land which we have long wished to see, and in which we hope to plant the standard of the cross and labour for Christ. …”
“We could, hardly credit all this, but were constrained to exclaim in the language of our hearts, “What hath God wrought.”
Samuel Whitney Journal
“30. … 4 oclock The boat has returned. King Tamaamaha is dead, his son Rehoreho has succeeded to the throne, idoltry is destroyed & both sexes eat together. We have now about 50 miles farther to go in order to see the King.”
“Eternal thanks to God the Lord of the whole universe. He hath broken down with his own hand the greatest barriers to our work.”
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Mike Whatley, Pastor says
Aloha Peter, mahalo for your compilation of these journal entries. We have been inspired by your work and by the intention of others to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the missionary group getting word of Kamehameha’s death and the breaking of the Kapu system off the coast of Kohala on this date. Due to the current virus situation, it became obvious that it would not be appropriate to encourage a large gathering to honor this event. However, we have been checking in with several fellow pastors in the Kohala area on what to do, and our small outdoor church ministry, Aloha Rainbow Covenant Ministries, will be able to do a brief on-site blessing and commemoration service between 4 and 5pm today at Kawaihae landing. It will not be publicly announced, and will only consist of our church leaders (keeping appropriate social distancing) and perhaps one or two others. But we are hoping to record the service and post it online so that it can be appreciated by a larger audience. Boyd Bond filled me in on your good work posting the daily journal entries, so thanks to both of you for inspiring not only us, but undoubtedly many others. If you wish to get in touch with us, we can be reached at or via 808 854 5320. Mahalo, Kahu Mike Whatley