There is something about falling water that fascinates a human being.
“The glimpses of Molokai which one obtains from a steamer’s deck while passing to Honolulu from San Francisco or in passing to and from Maul (along its south shore,) give the impression that the island is bleak, mountainous and desolate.”
“Skirting its (north) shores on the Hālawa, Wailua and Pelekunu sides on Wilder’s fine steamer Likelike, gives a far different picture. For miles sheer precipices rise from the sea and tower 1,500 feet into the air.”
“Now and then, and sometimes in groups, beautiful waterfalls are seen on the face of the cliff, now falling in clear view for a couple of hundred feet, now hidden under denses masses of foliage, only to reappear further down, another silvery link In the watery thread which ends In a splash and scintillating mist in the breakers below.” (Hawaiian Gazette, March 31, 1905)
In the eastern half of Kamalō is the large, amphitheater-headed Kamalō Gulch. Along the steep back wall of the gulch are a series of waterfalls that are known locally as “The Seven Sisters.”
Three of the waterfalls are named on USGS maps (Hina Falls, Moʻoloa Falls, and Haha Falls) and are mentioned in the song Wahine ʻIlikea, by Dennis Kamakahi (1975.) (McElroy)
Nani wale nō nā wailele ‘uka
‘O Hina ‘o Haha ‘o Moʻoloa
Nā wai ‘ekolu i ka uluwehiwehi
‘O Kamalō i ka mālie.
Beautiful waterfalls of the upland
Hina, Haha and Moʻoloa
The three waters in the verdant overgrowth
Of Kamalō, in the calm.
The fourth-highest waterfall in the world, Oloʻupena Falls is located on this isolated north shore of the Island. At 2,953 feet, Olo’upena Falls is a tiered, ribbon-thin stream plunging over the side of one of the world’s tallest seaside cliffs, Haloku Cliffs.
Surrounded by huge mountains on either side, the waterfall is so remote that there are no access trails to reach it; it is only accessible by air or sea. If you can get there, the best time to view the falls is during the rainy season – November through March.
These are not the only waterfalls on Molokai – unfortunately, all listed here are relatively hard to get to. Rather than words – look through the album at the images of the falls.
Haha Falls
About a 700-foot tall fall, one of seven tall waterfalls at the upper rim of Kamalo Canyon.
Haloku Falls
About 2,100-feet high seasonal waterfall, falling directly into Pacific Ocean.
Hina Falls
About a 1,200-foot tall fall, one of seven tall waterfalls at the upper rim of Kamalo Canyon.
Hipuapua Falls
Approximately 450-foot tall horsetail falls with a single drop.
Kahiwa Falls
About 1,900-foot high waterfall with 6 drops, falling almost directly into Pacific Ocean. Strong winds can rise the waterfall up in the air.
Moaʻula Falls
Picturesque horsetail fall with at least 7 drops.
Moʻoloa Falls
1,300-foot tall fall, one of seven tall waterfalls at the upper rim of Kamalo Canyon.
Oloʻupena Falls
About 2,953-feet high seasonal waterfall, falls directly into Pacific ocean. One the highest known waterfalls in the world.
Papalaua Falls
1,500-foot high waterfall with 5 drops. Located at the far end of the deep valley.
Puʻukaʻoku Falls
About 2,756-feet high seasonal waterfall, falling directly into Pacific Ocean.
Wailele Falls
About 1,700-foot high seasonal waterfall, falling almost directly into Pacific Ocean.
Waimanu Falls
Approximately 1,700-foot high waterfall.