He keiki aloha nā mea kanu
Beloved children are the plants
(ʻŌlelo Noʻeau 684)
In the recent past, significant advances in radiocarbon dating and the targeted re-dating of key Eastern Polynesian and Hawaiian sites has strongly supported a “short chronology” model of Eastern Polynesian settlement.
It is suggested that initial Polynesian discovery and colonization of the Hawaiian Islands occurred between approximately AD 1000 and 1200. (Kirch)
These early Polynesians brought with them shoots, roots, cuttings and seeds of various plants for food, cordage, medicine, fabric, containers, all of life’s vital needs.
“Canoe crops” (Canoe Plants) is a term to describe the group of plants brought to Hawaiʻi by these early Polynesians.
It is believed that these settlers, and the settlers that followed them, introduced a variety of plant species – the canoe crops. The following list notes the Hawaiian name and (common names;) origin; how it’s grown and uses for some of these various plants.
1. Ko (Sugar Cane) India; Upper-stalk cutting; Food, Medicine, Religion, etc.
2. ʻOhe (Bamboo) Pacific Islands; Root; Knives, Kapa stamps, etc.
3. Niu (Coconut Palm) South Pacific; Sprouted coconut; Food, Cordage, etc.
4. ʻApe (Elephant Ear) Tropical Asia and Oceania; Tuber; Food in times of famine, etc.
5. Kalo (Taro) Tropical Asia; Tuber; Main food plant: Hawaiian-Polynesian “Staff of Life”
6. Ki (Ti Plant) Tropical Asia and Australia; Stem cuttings; Food, Medicine, etc.
7. Pia (Polynesian Arrowroot) Malay Archipelago; Tuber; Food, Medicine, etc.
8. Uhi (Yam) Asia; Tuber; Food, most important kind of yam
9. Hoi (Air Potato) Tropical Asia; Tuber; Food during famine
10. Piʻa (Five-Leafed Yam) Tropical Asia, Pacific; Tuber; Food during famine. etc
11. Maiʻa (Banana) Cultigen (Obscure Origin); Suckers; Food and its preparation
12. ʻOlena (Turmeric) Tropical Asia; Root; Dye, Purification, etc
13. ‘Awapuhi (Wild Ginger) India; Root; Scenting, Medicine, etc
14. ʻAwa (Kava) Pacific Islands; Sprouting stem; Relaxing beverage, etc
15. ʻUlu (Breadfruit) Pacific Islands, probably Guam; Root sprouts; Food, Craft, etc
16. Wauke (Paper Mulberry) East Asia; Root sprouts; Make kapa and clothing
17. Paʻihi (Bitter Cress) Polynesia; Transplant small plant; Food, Medicine
18. Auhuhu (Fish Poison Plant) Tropical South Asia and Pacific; Seed; Fish poison, etc
19. Kukui (Candlenut Tree) Asia, Pacific Islands; Seed or seedling transplant; Lighting, Food, Craft, etc
20. Hau (Hibiscus) Tropical Pacific and Old World; Stem cutting; To make fire, canoes, medicine, fertilizer, etc
21. Milo (Portia Tree) Coasts of Eastern Tropics; Seed; To make calabashes, etc
22. Kamani (Alexandrian Laurel) Tropical Asia and Pacific; Seed; Calabashes, Lei, etc
23. ʻŌhiʻa ʻAi (Mountain Apple) Tropical Asia, Oceania; Seed or seedling transplant; Food, Craft, etc
24. ʻUala (Sweet Potato) Tropical America; Slips or stem cuttings; Food: vegetable from leaves, starch from tubers
25. Kou Africa to Polynesia; Seed; Best wood for calabashes
26. Noni (Indian Mulberry) Asia, Australia, and Pacific Islands; Root sprout, Seed; Medicine, etc
27. Ipu (Bottle Gourd) Tropical Asia or Africa; Seed; Containers for food storage, musical instruments, etc
(The listing is from Polynesian Seafaring Heritage; Dr Harold St John and Kuaika Jendrusch. Domesticated animals, including pigs, dogs and chickens were also introduced.)