“The importance of the Sandwich Islands to the commerce of the United States, which visits these seas, is, perhaps, more than has been estimated by individuals, or our government been made acquainted with.”
“To our whale fishery on the coast of Japan they are indispensably necessary: hither those employed in this business repair in the months of April and May, to recruit their crews, refresh and adjust their ships; they then proceed to Japan, and return in the months of October and November.”
“It is necessary that these ships, after their cruise on Japan, should return to the nearest port; in consequence, a large majority resort to these islands, certain here to obtain any thing of which they may be in want.”
“A small proportion, however, of these vessels have proceeded for supplies and refreshments, in the fall, to the ports on the coast of California …”
“… but as the government of Mexico have now imposed a duty of two dollars and one eighth, per ton, on every ship that shall anchor within their waters, whether in distress or otherwise, this will, of course, prevent our whale ships from visiting that coast; and the Sandwich Islands will then remain as the only resort for them, after their cruise on the coast of Japan.”
Of the ships that visited the islands, all but a small fraction were American. “The commerce of the United States, which resorts to the Sandwich islands, may be classed under five heads, viz.:”
“First, Those vessels which trade direct from the United States to these islands, for sandal-wood, and from hence to China and Manilla, and return to America.” (Annually, the number may be estimated at six.)
“Second, Those vessels which are bound to the north-west coast, on trading voyages for furs, and touch here on their outward-bound passage, generally winter at these islands, and always stop on their return to the United States, by the way of China.” (The number may be estimated at five.)
“Third, Those vessels which, on their passage from Chili, Peru, Mexico, or California, to China, Manilla, or the East Indies, stop at these islands for refreshments or repairs, to obtain freight, or dispose of what small cargoes they may have left.” (The number may be estimated at eight.)
“Fourth, Those vessels which are owned by Americans resident at these islands, and employed by them in trading to the northwest coast, to California and Mexico, to Canton and Manilla.” (The number may be estimated at six.)
“Fifth, Those vessels which are employed in the whale-fishery on the coast of Japan, which visit semi-annually.” (The number may be estimated at one hundred.).” (John Coffin Jones Jr, US Consulate, Sandwich Islands, October 30th, 1829)
“When we reflect that, only a few years since, the Sandwich Islands were not known to exist, when but lately they were visited only by a few ships bound to the north-west coast of America …”
“… and these merely stopping to purchase a few yams or potatoes, and that now there annually come to this remote corner of the globe forty thousand tons of American shipping, with the sure prospect that in no long protracted period this number will double …”
“… we are led to conclude, that the Sandwich Islands will yet be immensely more important, to the commerce of the United States which visits these seas, than they have been.”
“The annual, if not semi-annual, visit of one of our ships of war to these islands, is conceived to be necessary; and would, no doubt, be attended with the best advantages, affording to our commerce, in these seas, protection, assistance, and security.”
“For this station, a sloop of war would be sufficient for every purpose required; and, if so arranged as to visit these islands in the months of March, April, and May, and again in October and November …”
“… every desired object would then be effected, and the result be, that our merchantmen, and whalers would come to the islands with perfect security; their tarry here made safe, and many abuses and inconveniences with which they are now shackled, would be done away.”
“The very knowledge that a ship of war would semi-annually be at the Sandwich Islands, would be of infinite service to our commerce in general, which enters the waters of the North Pacific ocean.”
“Since my residence on these islands, as an officer of government, I have repeatedly, in the discharge of my official duties, felt the want of protection and aid from the power of my government.”
“I have been compelled to see the guilty escape with impunity; the innocent suffer without a cause; the interests of my countrymen abused; vessels compelled to abandon the object of their voyage, in consequence of desertion and mutiny …”
“… and men, who might be made useful to society, suffered to prowl amongst the different islands, a disgrace to themselves and their country, and an injury to others, whom they are corrupting, and encouraging to do wrong.”
“I would suggest … the propriety of recommending to our government that a ship of war be detached for the protection of American commerce in these waters, that she be required annually to visit the Society and Marquesas Islands, and, semi-annually, the Sandwich Islands …’
“… that in the intermediate periods when she might not be employed at such islands, it shall be required that she visit the ports of California and Mexico, to afford protection to our commerce and citizens in that quarter, where they have for a long time been suffering under the abuses of an ill-regulated government.” (John Coffin Jones Jr, US Consulate, Sandwich Islands, October 30th, 1829)
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