Abner Paki “appears in the genealogy of the Chiefs of this Nation, from ancient times, and he is a high Chief of this land descended from Haloa, that being the one father of the children living in this world, and the father of our people.”
“Part of his genealogy is taken from the High Chiefs of the land, and he is part of Kamehameha’s, and he is part of Kiwalao’s, and he is a hereditary chief of a single line from ancient times; and he was a father who rescued from trouble his people of this nation from Hawaii to Kauai.” (Nupepa Kuakoa, Elele E, 6/16/1855, p. 20
He was “the last of the family of old high chiefs. … His father’s name was Kalanihelemaiiluna, and his mother’s Kahooheiheipahu. He was born [at Kainalu] on the island Molokai, in the year ‘Ualakaa,’ [“that being when Kamehameha was farming at Ualakaa” [Round Top above Manoa Valley], Nupepa Kuakoa, Ka Elele E, Buke 10, Aoao 20. Iune 16, 1855].
“He was an intimate friend of the King [Kamehameha III], and was a person of considerable weight and importance in the affairs of the nation. He held during his life, some high offices of trust and honor; being at different times, one of the judges of the Supreme Court, acting Governor, Privy Councillor, member of the House of Nobles, and Chamberlain to the King.”
“The most prominent feature in his character was firmness; where he took a stand, he was immovable. On the death of Kamehameha III, he prophesied that he should survive his Royal master but a few months, though he was in usual health at the time.”
Kamehameha III died December 15, 1854; Paki died June 13, 1855. Paki’s “wife Konia, (also a high chief,) who survived him two years, she dying in 1857.” (Bennett, 1871)
Paki and Konia were the parents of Bernice Pauahi Paki Pākī (born December 19, 1831). “Paki and Kona must have been a striking contrast. Pali was 6 feet 4 inched in height. He had massive arms and legs, a handsome body and the lithness of a good athlete. Konia was short, had a quick, intelligent face ad was frankly fat. She was noted for her sweet disposition.”
“Kalani [princess] Pauahi, the little high chiefess, did not remain long with her mother Konia. She was adopted Hawaiian style by the High Chiefess Kīna‘u. … Kīna‘u … had three sons – Moses, Lot and Alexander Liholiho. She yearned for a daughter, so she took the child of Konia out of her own mother’s arms and reared her for 8 years.” (Clarice Taylor)
High Chief Caesar Kapaʻakea and his wife High Chiefess Analeʻa Keohokālole had several children, including future King David Kalakaua (born (November 16, 1836)) and Lydia Liliʻu Kamakaʻeha (future Queen Lili‘uokalani) (born September 2, 1838).
As was the custom, Liliʻu was hānai (adopted) to the Pākīs, who reared her with their birth daughter, Pauahi. The Pauahi and Lili‘u developed a close, loving relationship.
As Lili‘uokalani noted, “When I was taken from my own parents and adopted by Paki and Konia, or about two months thereafter, a child was born to Kīna‘u. That little babe was the Princess Victoria [born November 1, 1838], two of whose brothers became sovereigns of the Hawaiian people [Kamehameha IV and V].”
“While the infant was at its mother’s breast, Kīna‘u always preferred to take me into her arms to nurse, and would hand her own child to the woman attendant who was there for that purpose.”
“I knew no other father or mother than my foster-parents, no other sister than Bernice. I used to climb up on the knees of Paki, put my arms around his neck, kiss him, and he caressed me as a father would his child …”
“… while on the contrary, when I met my own parents, it was with perhaps more of interest, yet always with the demeanor I would have shown to any strangers who noticed me.”
“My own father and mother had other children, ten in all, the most of them being adopted into other chiefs’ families; and although I knew that these were my own brothers and sisters, yet we met throughout my younger life as though we had not known our common parentage. This was, and indeed is, in accordance with Hawaiian customs.” (Lili‘uokalani)
But there seems to be another child associated with Paki.
A portion of the program for the Dedication of Paki Hall at Kamehameha School for Boys (1960) noted, “While a young man living in Kohala, Paki married Ka-iwi and to them was born David Manuia.”
“Manuia’s granddaughter, Laika, was the mother of Jonah Kumalae, known to kamaainas as the editor of the Hawaiian newspaper Ke Alakai o Hawaii.”
“Mr. Kumalae’s grandson, Richard Among, who was graduated from The School for Boys in the class of 1951, is the only known descendant of High Chief Paki to have attended The Kamehameha Schools. [Richard Awong was in attendance and was introduced at the dedication event.]”
“Richard and other progeny of Paki living in Honolulu observe the tradition of chiefly modesty, and few people are aware of their illustrious ancestry.”
“After the death of his wife in Kohala, Paki married Laura Kana-holo Konia, granddaughter of Kamehameha the Great and daughter of the Conqueror’s first-born son, Ka-o-lei-o-ku.”
“Bernice Pauahi, daughter of Paki and Konia and beloved benefactress of The Kamehameha Schools, was a chiefess of the highest rank.” (Program narrative at dedication of Paki Hall at Kamehameha School for Boys, Nov 4, 1960)
However, if you do the math, Paki was “the last of the family of old high chiefs. … He was born on the island Molokai, in the year ‘Ualakaa’ [“that being when Kamehameha was farming at Ualakaa”, Nupepa Kuakoa, Ka Elele E, Buke 10, Aoao 20. Iune 16, 1855].” (Bennett, 1871)
Kamehameha was farming sweet potatoes at Ualakaa between 1808 and 1812 0 so Paki would have been born sometime in that range.
The challenge is Clarice Taylor says David Manuia “was born in 1810 at Puakawau, North Kohala”. This reference is likely from an obituary statement in the newspaper by Mrs LK Keliaa, the daughter of Manuia, who gave that birth year.
Keliaa stated, “He was born in Piiakawau, North Kohala, Hawaii, in AD 1810, born to Paki k. and Kaiwi w., five of them, three males, two females, but he was taken away by the his children died and only one was left alive, until he found this M.H. 1889, and at 2 o’clock in the morning on Friday the 11th of this month, his life was called by the Almighty, and he took it away.”
“In M. H. 1836. He entered the Lahainaluna College, and for several years, he graduated with the approval of his teachers, and returned to his native land, and after a while, he found public offices from the government, that is, Teacher, Headmaster, Tax Officer, Police Officer, Judge, and a Marriage License Officer.”
“His job, however, continued as the school principal, until he left Hawaii in March 1870 for Honolulu, Oahu, where he stayed until his death.”
“He is married to a woman, and they have one child, DM. Puna Manuia, and the woman died, and a long time later, he remarried the woman, they lived and had one more child and in AD 1853, the second woman died, and He remained celibate until he passed away.”
“D. Manuia is one of the oldest brothers of the Kohala, and was also a church leader of that place until he moved to Oahu, and in that Christian position he lived, and he is also one of the strong support of the works of the Lord in Kawaiahao which is being held by the father Rev HH Parker, and it was nothing to him for long periods under the works of the Lord.”
“He was 79 years old in this world … was a kind man, and he was a welcomer to the guests who visited his home, until his death.” (Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, Bishop Museum Archives)
So, it is a mystery how Paki (apparently born in the year ‘Ualakaa’, 1808-1812) could be the father of Manuia (apparently born 1810), but there are definitive statements made by Kamehameha Schools, Clarice Taylor and the obituary that he is.

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