“The BIBLE, I say, the BIBLE only, is the Religion of Protestants!” (William Chillingworth (October 12, 1602 – January 30, 1644); The Religion of Protestants A Safe Way to Salvation)
Missionaries Wanted Hawaiians to Read the Word of God
Every Protestant believer is essentially expected to read scripture directly – not simply listen to teachings from scripture, presented by priests (as done by Catholics). (StackExchange)
“The first object with the missionaries … was to prepare elementary books, and to multiply copies, so that the ability to read intelligibly might become as extensive as possible. Their next object was to translate the Scriptures, and thus put it within the power of the whole population, who would take the trouble to learn, to read the word of God in their own language.” (Christian Observer, June 1832)
“For them, the Bible was the very voice of God, and any manifestation of religion without a Bible to depend on would quickly go astray and soon become only one more man-made religion. Had they converted all Hawaiians, but left them without a Bible, their mission, by their own standards, would have been incomplete and, in the end, doomed to failure.” (Lyon)
Hawaiians were Seeking the ‘New Technology’ of Literacy
“The missionary effort is more successful in Hawai‘i than probably anywhere in the world, in the impact that it has on the character and the form of a nation. And so, that history is incredible; but history gets so blurry …”
“The missionary success cover decades and decades becomes sort of this huge force where people feel like the missionaries got off the boat barking orders … where they just kind of came in and took over. They got off the boat and said ‘stop dancing,’ ‘put on clothes,’ don’t sleep around.’”
“And it’s so not the case ….”
“The missionaries arrived here, and they’re a really remarkable bunch of people. They are scholars, they have got a dignity that goes with religious enterprise that the Hawaiians recognized immediately. …”
“The Hawaiians had been playing with the rest of the world for forty-years by the time the missionaries came here. The missionaries are not the first to the buffet and most people had messed up the food already.”
“(T)hey end up staying and the impact is immediate. They are the first outside group that doesn’t want to take advantage of you, one way or the other, get ahold of their goods, their food, or your daughter. … But, they couldn’t get literacy. It was intangible, they wanted to learn to read and write”. (Puakea Nogelmeier)
“I think literacy was … almost like the new technology of the time. And, that was something that was new. … When the missionaries came, there was already contact with the Western world for many years…. But this was the first time that literacy really began to take hold. The missionaries, when they came, they may have been the first group who came with a [united] purpose. They came together as a group and their purpose was to spread the Gospel the teachings of the Bible. …”
“But the missionaries who came, came with a united purpose … and literacy was a big part of that. Literacy was important to them because literacy was what was going to get the Hawaiians to understand the word of the Bible … and the written word became very attractive to the people, and there was a great desire to learn the written word. … Hawai‘i became the most literate nation at one time.” (Jon Yasuda, one of the intern translators who participated in the Ali‘i Letters translation project)
Translation of the Bible
“The Hawaiian translation of the Bible (Baibala in Hawaiian) remains the largest single volume ever printed in Hawaiian, with over 1,400 densely packed pages in its most recent incarnation (2012), slimmed down from an original (and unwieldy) 2,300 pages (1837-1839).” (In making of the Baibala in to the Hawaiian language, they translated the Hebrew Bible and Greek New Testament – it was not a translation from or to English.)
“It is probably also the largest and most demanding single literary project since Hawaiian became a written language, requiring the active involvement of at least nine regular participants (four American ministers and five Native scholars) and numerous others who contributed to a lesser, but significant, degree over a period of more than ten years.”
“The participants were the elite scholars of their nations: the Americans were the best-educated men of their generation, skilled to a surprising degree in the ancient biblical languages, while the Hawaiians were among the highest-ranking ali‘i ‘chiefs’ and kākā‘ōlelo ‘chiefly advisors’, each one a profound scholar in the language and oral literature of Hawai‘i. The result of their long and fruitful cooperation was a superb Bible translation, far exceeding what either group could have produced on its own.”
“Two of the qualities that mark a good translation are fidelity and readability. The ideal translator has a firm and nuanced command of the source language (in this case, Hebrew, Aramaic, and ancient Greek) and is, ideally, a well-educated native speaker of the target language (here, Hawaiian).”
“Not one of those who worked on the Baibala possessed both of these qualifications. The result of their collaborative efforts is a testament to both.” (Lyon)
This is only a summary; Click HERE to read more on the Baibala.
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