The railroad from Punaluʻu to the village of Keaiwa (where the Pāhala Sugar Mill was located) was reported in June 1878 to be “the first railroad in these islands”. Railroads continued to operate in Kaʻū until the 1940s but the Pāhala – Punaluʻu railroad was discontinued in 1929. (Cultural Surveys)
Starting in the late-1800s, to get people and goods around the Islands, folks would catch steamer ships; competitors Wilder Steamship Co (1872) and Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co (1883) ran different routes, rather than engage in head to head competition.
For Inter-Island’s routes, vessels left Honolulu stopping at Lāhainā and Māʻalaea Bay on Maui and then proceeding directly to Kailua-Kona.
From Kailua, the steamer went south stopping at the Kona ports of Nāpoʻopoʻo on Kealakekua Bay, Hoʻokena, Hoʻopuloa, rounding South Point, touching at the Kaʻū port of Honuʻapo and finally arriving at Punaluʻu, Kaʻū, the terminus of the route. (From Punaluʻu, five mile railroad took passengers to Pāhala and then coaches hauled the visitors to the volcano from the Kaʻū side.)
The Punaluʻu Harbor and Landing served the communities of Punaluʻu and Nīnole and the sugar plantation at Pāhala and was considered the “port town for the district in 1880.” (Orr) By the mid-1880s Punaluʻu had storehouses, a restaurant, a store, and numerous homes constructed of lumber. (Cultural Surveys)
“The Interisland steamer W G Hall, 380 tons burthen, leaves Honolulu alternate Tuesdays and Fridays, at 10 A. M. She is one of the best sea boats plying in our waters, and tourists will find her accomodations and table equal to any, while her officers and stewards are ever on the alert to supply all their wants.”
“(T)he steamer at once proceeds to Punalu‘u, the terminus of the sea route. This is usually reached about 6 P. M. The passengers are landed in boats and will proceed to the Punalu‘u hotel, where they will find themselves comfortably taken care of.” (Whitney)
Peter Lee owned and operated the Punalu‘u hotel. He popularized the Punalu‘u-Pahala route to Kilauea. He built a 24-mile wagon road from Pahala to Kilauea, following by seven years the construction of a hotel at Punalu‘u, which then became a third takeoff point. (NPS)
“The hotel is clean, the table good, and the proprietor will be found very obliging and ready to afford any information required.” (Whitney)
Later, Lorrin Thurston became more interested in the Volcano … and the Volcano House and the Punalu‘u hotel, “In June 1890, I again visited Kilauea, and became so interested in it that I applied to Samuel G. Wilder, then head of Wilderʼs Steamship Co., who held leases of the Volcano House and site; I purchased some leases of him, and secured a new lease from the owner, the present Bishop Estate.”
“I also purchased a hotel at Punalu‘u from Peter Lee, and made him the manager of both hotels. A new company was formed; I got enough capital to remodel the Volcano House and to make additions so that it was much more commodious and attractive.”
“Formerly it had had only six bedrooms for visitors, a living room, a small dining room, a kitchen, and a room for the manager. The lumber and other materials for construction and repairs were shipped from Honolulu to Punalu‘u, whence they were hauled to Pahala by the plantation railroad, and thence to the volcano by the Hustace draying concern of Honolulu.”
The Paradise of the Pacific, noted, “Arrangements have been completed with the Wilderʼs Steamship Co. and the Inter-Island Com., so that a single round trip ticket can be obtained at the office of either Steamship Company for fifty dollars ($50) …”
“… which covers all room, meals, board and lodging at Hilo or Kau, transportation to and from the Volcano by either carriage or horse back, and board, lodging, steam sulphur baths and guide into the crater, at the Volcano.” (Maly)
“This ticket includes an absence from Honolulu, of eight days and gives five days on shore, which can be spent at any point the ticket-holder chooses, either at the Volcano, Hilo or Punalu‘u.”
“If the trip up to the volcano is made the day the steamer arrives, and return on the day she leaves, it allows four nights and three days at the volcano, or two days and two nights longer than heretofore allowed on this ticket.”
“Double route round trip tickets may also be obtained for seventy dollars ($70). This ticket includes all expenses covered by the other ticket and the holder may go by either the Hilo or Kau route and return by the other.”
“By taking this ticket an entire week may be spent at the Volcano, in a cool bracing climate, with invigorating sulphur baths at hand, and the Greatest Volcano on Earth in constant action in the front yard of the Hotel.” (Hawaiian Gazette, June 2, 1891)
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