The Second Company destined for the Sandwich Island Mission assembled at New Haven, Connecticut to take passage in the ship Thames, captain Clasby, which was to sail on November 19, 1822. (Congregational Magazine)
Among them were The Reverend Artemas Bishop and Mrs. Bishop. Dr. Abraham Blatchely and Mrs. Blatchely. Mr. Levi Chamberlain, Mr. James Ely and Mrs. Ely, Mr. Joseph Goodrich and Mrs. Goodrich, The Reverend William Richards and Mrs. Richards …
… The Reverend Charles S. Stewart and Mrs. Stewart, Miss Betsey Stockton, Stephen Popohe (Tahitian), William Kamooula (Hawaiian), Richard Kalaioulu (Hawaiian) and Kupeli‘i (Hawaiian). They arrived at Honolulu, April 27, 1823, a voyage of 158 days.
Because of the serious illness of Mrs. Harriet Stewart, the Stewarts decided to return to Cooperstown, New York, after two and a half years in Hawaiʻi. Stockton accompanied them; leaving native Hawaiian teachers she had trained to take her place.
“A partial restoration of the health of Mrs. Stewart was effected by the residence of a year in the United States; but all medical advisers interdicted a return to a tropical climate, and any future exposure to the privations of a missionary life.”
“It became desirable, therefore, that I should select some sphere for the exercise of the duties of my profession, other than the field of my first choice.” (Stewart)
“Familiarity with the sea; long intercourse with seamen; close observation of their character; and strong attachment to individuals of their number, had implanted a lively interest in my heart for them, as a class of my fellows; and led me, in connexion with circumstances which it is unnecessary to explain, to direct my attention to the United States Naval Service.”
“As early as the spring of 1827, I communicated my views on this subject to the gentlemen then at the head of that department of our government, with an application for a chaplainship, when the relation existing between myself and the American Board of Foreign Missions should cease.”
“It was subsequently arranged, that my connexion with that body should not be dissolved till November, 1828. A few weeks previous to this period, I was incidentally apprised by the Secretary of the Navy, of an opportunity of communicating with any friends at the Sandwich Islands …”
“…, through a government vessel — the United States’ ships Guerriere and St. Louis having been ordered to relieve the public squadron in the Pacific ocean; one vessel from which, the corvette Vincennes, would visit the islands, and return to America by the Cape of Good Hope.”
“The idea at once suggested itself, of commencing the duties of my proposed new station, by making the voyage. … ascertaining that the commission of a chaplain could be secured, with the privilege of a transfer from the Guerriere to the Vincennes, I determined to perform the voyage.” (Stewart)
“On reporting myself for duty, I was received by Commodore Thompson with the same urbanity and openness of heart that marked his deportment as a travelling companion, on a first introduction, a month ago; and the decided and strong impressions then made in his favour, have been more than confirmed by the intercourse which has taken place in the relation we now hold to each other.”
“My man-of-war life is now actually begun: how far I shall be pleased, and how far useful in it, I know not. It is very distinct from every other life; but I see no reason yet to fear, that as the novelty which now interests and amuses me, ceases to be such, I shall be less satisfied than I at present am.” (Stewart)
“Besides the hum and varied din of the talk and occupation of five hundred men thickly crowded together, with the first tap of the révielle at the dawning of the morning, a succession of noisy signals commences in the various trilling of the boatswain’s whistle …”
“… and the hoarse calls of his mates, ceasing only when the blasts of the bugle and firing of musketry, on setting the watch at night, proclaim a respite, except in the half-hourly striking of the time, accompanied by the watchful sentry’s cry, ‘All’s well!’”
“It is long since I learned to love the character of the sailor – not the vulgarity and low vice too often found under the name, but the nobler traits which belong more distinctively to him than to any other order of men …”
“… I mean the warm heart and generous soul; the clan-like tie which leads him to hail every round-jacket and tarpaulin hat, as if they were the features of a brother …”
“… the recklessness of danger, and disregard of self; the humour, gay spirit, and credulity, tinctured with superstition, which are
characteristically his own.” (Stewart)
They first traveled the South Pacific, then, on October 2, 1829, “After a passage of eighteen days from Raiatea, including four of a dead calm, previously to taking the north-east trade-wind, yesterday afternoon, at five o’clock, ” Land ho!” was called from the mast-head.”
“Before the call from aloft was made, my eyes had been fixed for some minutes on what I believed to be. the summit of Mounakea; but I dared not assert it, lest I might be deceived: I was correct, however, though a thick haze prevented any more distinct sight of it.” They landed first at ‘Byron’s Bay’ (Hilo).
“An immense thatched building, beautifully finished, on the western side of the bay, near the river of Wairuku, I rightly judged to be the chapel; and we steered for it, knowing that the mission-house would be found near.”
“While still a considerable distance from the beach, I recognized Mr. Goodrich among a crowd of natives, beckoning us to the best spot for landing: shortly afterwards, our boat touched the Hawaiian shore.”
“A thousand varied thoughts and emotions rushed upon my mind and heart, and I was incapable of lifting up my head, lest I should betray what might be interpreted into a weakness by my companions, till I found myself in the strong grasp of a missionary friend and brother.”
“Our meeting was the more impressive and affecting to Mr. Goodrich, from its being entirely unexpected. … The captain had felt it necessary to limit our stay on shore to half an hour, and consequently all was hurry and excitement.”
“After ascertaining that all the missionaries were well, every thing in a most promising and prosperous state, and a great deal else of gratifying intelligence, we took a turn in the garden, where there is much to admire in the variety and luxuriance of the productions of this part of the islands.”
“The news of my arrival spread rapidly among the people; and the house soon began to be thronged with those who had a recollection of me, but whom, principally, I had forgotten.”
“Many of them shed tears, as they embraced and kissed my hands, or sank at my feet, manifesting a degree of sensibility and affection, considering their slight personal knowledge of me, that was surprising …”
“… till informed of the happy fact, that a period of deep seriousness and religious feeling has long existed at this place, and that many of these are still under the influence of the lively affections of recent conversion …”
“… of a conversion not only from the follies and sins of a worldly life, but from the ignorance, surperstition, and prejudices of heathenism, to the love and services of true piety.” (Stewart)
After an aborted departure, the Vincennes anchored in Hilo Bay; Stewart visited the Volcano and other parts of the Island, then left October 12 and landed at Oahu the next day.
“As soon as a boat could be lowered, Lieutenant Dornin and myself were on our way to the shore: he, to apprise the American consul of Captain Finch’s arrival; and I, to meet the embraces of our friends.”
“There are very considerable changes in the appearance of the town near the water, and very great improvements. The coral platform, along the walls of the fort and adjoining point, which, on our arrival in 1823, was the court-end of the metropolis, is now converted to a more appropriate use—that of a dock yard, and kind of depot for naval stores.”
“The arrival of ships seems now so much an every day occurrence, as scarce to attract attention, except among the gentleman in business; and when we landed, the name and character of the Vincennes were not yet generally known on shore.”
“My first call I felt due to Mr. and Mrs. Bingham; and, therefore, made my way to the door of the old wooden house opening into the rooms they occupy. From Mrs. Bingham’s exclamation, in an inner apartment, on hearing my voice, and Mr. Bingham’s hurried entrance, I ascertained that we had taken them by entire surprise …”
“There was a mingling of pain with the fulness of our joy, which, perhaps, all have experienced in meeting those they love, after a long separation; and for which Cowper well accounts, when he resolves it into a necessity, interwoven with our natures and our condition, that no earthly happiness shall be without its alloy.”
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