“The internal condition of the Sandwich Islands and their position with regard to Foreign Powers, and especially to Great Britain, are so peculiar that a few words of observation on my part may be required in order to enable you to form a correct judgment …”
“… respecting the proposed policy of HM Govt, and the manner in which they would wish you to regulate your own conduct towards the Govt, of a Country so situated.”
“The Sandwich Islands are scarcely more than nominally governed by a Native Sovereign and native Chiefs. Citizens of the U States are in fact the virtual Rulers and Directors of the Govt.”
“The Constitution and the Laws are framed, and are administered chiefly by Americans; and American Missionaries in like manner direct the affairs of the Church, and keep, as it were, the consciences of the King, the Chiefs, and the native subjects.”
“It is obvious that the King and his native Councillors could of themselves have possessed little capacity for devising a Constitution or code of laws like those of the Sandwich Islands, and can have as little practical ability for administering them.”
“It must be fairly admitted that great credit is due to those American Missionaries who by their pious and unwearied labours first introduced the lights of Christianity and Civilization into those Islands …”
“… nor ought an equal share of credit to be withheld from those who, following up the advantages thus originally conferred by the Missionaries, have brought the Islanders, however imperfectly as yet, under subjection to a regular administrative system.”
“We have no right to entertain jealousy of the influence thus honourably acquired by the Americans amongst that people.”
“The changes effected by the Americans may have been somewhat over-hasty, considering the circumscribed intellectual condition of the people amongst whom they were introduced; but undoubted advantage has accrued to them from those changes.”
“It is certain, however, that the natives are, of themselves, incompetent to administer either their constitution or their laws.” (Earl of Aberdeen, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, to William Miller, British Consul General for the Hawaiian Islands, September 28, 1843)
“The American Missionaries deserve the highest credit for their untiring perseverance in, the work of elevating and reforming the savages of the Hawaiian Islands. It was their effort which laid the foundation of the order and peace which now prevail.”
“They established a polity almost republican in its character, and differing but in few particulars from our own institutions.”
“Naturally, the advisers of the King and Chiefs, they counselled judicious reforms, & did much to lessen & finally abolish the absolute dominion which trod the unfortunate masses under foot.”
“If they sometimes committed errors, it was because they lacked knowledge in political science, and gave too little heed to considerations of worldly policy. Thus it was, that morals were sometimes enforced by severe royal and legislative enactment, and, thus it now is, that trade is fettered by restrictions, which in the general estimation, are regarded as injudicious, and unwise.
“While I see some things to be censured, I find much to praise, and I trust that no consideration will ever prevent me from giving credit where it is justly due.” (David L. Gregg, United States Commissioner to Hawaii, to EW Tracy, (Private), February 3, 1854)
“The American Missionaries have been badly treated by the Cabinet & by the King acting under its influence. His Majesty is conscious of the error, & has to my knowledge, expressed regret for it.” (Gregg to W. L. Marcy (Private), June 5, 1856)
“(T)he results of Missionary teaching & American influence and of themselves, are sufficient to disprove the wholesale allegations of such persons as take it upon themselves to represent that the efforts of our countrymen to carry the lights of civilization to savage lands, have been without avail.” Gregg to Marcy, June 14, 1855) (All from Report of the Historical Commission of the Territory of Hawai‘i, 1925)
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