“Fifty thousand years ago, a meteorite came crashing to Earth near what is now Winslow, Arizona, gouging a six-story-deep crater that is named for a Philadelphia mining engineer and Law School graduate, Daniel Barringer L’1882.” (University of Pennsylvania)
Daniel Moreau Barringer was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, May 25, 1860. “It is generally recognized that my father, Daniel Moreau Barringer, by proving that Coon Butte, as it was then known, was caused by a collision between the earth and a celestial body, founded that branch of meteoritics dealing with craters.” (Brandon Barringer)
The Barringer Crater Company, founded in 1903 is a family-owned enterprise dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the Barringer Meteorite Crater.
The company is now in the sixth generation and continues to promote Barringer’s pioneering research of the Crater, becoming the first scientifically proven meteorite impact crater on Earth. (Barringer Crater Company)
“The United States Geological Survey Bulletin 1220 lists 110 impact craters or suspects. Included in Category 6, “Structures for which more data are required for classification”, is “Ka-imu-hoku, Hawaii”. This listing is based on John Davis Buddhue’s (1947) note “A Possible Meteorite Crater in the Hawaiian Islands”. This, in turn, is based on Dr. Kenneth P. Emory’s (1924) references.”
Barringer’s son, Brandon, “met Dr. Emory at the Bishop Museum in Honolulu and learned from him that the names Ka-hoku-nui (The Large Star) and Ka-imuhoku (The Star Oven) were among a hundred or so given him by Mrs. Awila Shaw, a blind native who was over seventy at the time and who had moved to Lahaina on the island of Maui.”
“Dr. Emory had been told that Ka-imu-hoku (The Star Oven) got its name because it was “a place where the meteor fell” and “a pit in the sand where a meteor fell”, while Ka-hoku-nui (The Large Star) was so named because “a meteor fell nearby” (Buddhue 1947, Emory 1924).”
“His map locates them on a beach on the northeast shore of the island, some 500 and 200 yards respectively west of the delta of the stream issuing from the great Maunelai gorge.”
“We flew to Lanai from Honolulu on January 31, 1967, in a small single-engine Cessna of the Royal Hawaiian Air Service. The pilot flew low over the beach on which Ka-hoku-nui is located, and we could see no trace of a circular formation anywhere in the reported vicinity of Ka-imu-hoku.”
“Later, we drove near the beach on a good road and covered its three-fourths of a mile carefully on foot. At Ka-hoku-nui, which seems to refer to a point rather than to the whole beach, there is a large Geodetic Survey marker. Twenty to thirty yards behind the beach from this marker to beyond the mouth of the Halulu gorge, 500 yards to the west, there is a dirt road.”
“Through Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Au, who run the Lanai Inn where we spent the night, we talked to Mr. Susumu Nishimura, who came to the island in 1915 and heard many stories from a blind native lay preacher named Alika, who was also well over seventy then, but gave no such account.” (Barringer)
The 1923 Geological Survey Map (scale 1/62500, 50-ft contour intervals), the 1936 Geologic and Topographic map of Harold T. Stearns (1940) and a current road map all show Ka-hoku-nui at this spot, but none show Ka-imu-hoku or any feature where it was supposed to be.”
“A survey by air and on the ground revealed no depression at the place supposedly called Ka-imu-hoku, Hawaiian for “The Star Oven,” on the island of Lanai. It had been reported as a “pit in the sand” or “the place where a meteor fell.” Reasons are given for believing the name was based on native observation of a nineteenth-century fireball.” (Barringer)
“The fact that we found no meteoric material nor any sign of impact may not be conclusive. The fact that none was found in constructing this road directly through the supposed location of the ‘crater’ would seem at least very significant.”
“So is, I feel, the naming of the beach or point for a ‘large star’. A meteorite would hardly be associated with a star by the natives.”
“It seems likely that the locality and the imagined depression got their names from a fireball thought to have been seen to fall there in the nineteenth century, but which actually fell, if it reached the surface of the earth, scores of miles to the north in the Pacific Ocean.”
“Our hope of promoting this ‘crater’ from suspected to proven impact origin was obviously disappointed. On the contrary, it should, we feel, be eliminated from any list of suspects. (Barringer)
But is that the end of the story?
Consider this … “Some say that should a person die and is buried at the edge of a river, or a spring, or a watercourse, then his soul will enter another body such as a shark’s, or an eel’s, or any other living body of the sea.”
“Those that are buried by a body of fresh water will enter that stream and become a large okuhekuhe or tailed-lizard; and if buried on dry land, then they will enter the body of an owl, and such like.”
“These things which are entered by the souls of men become guides to their friends who are living. This is what the soul which has entered these things would do: It would proceed and enter his friend, and when it has possessed him, the soul would eat regular food until satisfied, then go back. And he would repeatedly do that.”
“And this friend, should he have any trouble on land, such as war, then the owl would lead him to a place of safety; and if in fresh water, the lizard and such like would keep him safe; and if the trouble is in the ocean, the shark and such like would care for him. This is one reason why a great many people are prohibited from eating many things.”
“Another thing: The soul also lives on a dry plain after the death of the body; and such places are called ka leina a ka uhane (the casting-off place of the soul). “
“This name applies to wherever in Hawaii nei people lived. Following are the places where the souls live … for the Lanai people, at Hokunui … All these places are known as the casting-off places of souls. Should a soul get to any of these places it will be impossible for it come back again.” (Fornander V)
And, more directly to the prospect of a crater (Kaimuhoku) at Kahokunui … “It is said in the traditions of these islands from before, that there were many people, and that there were many battles which destroyed them in those days. There was much destruction in the time of Kahekili, here on Oahu.”
“It was the battle called Poloku, of which it is said that the waters of Niuhelewai were clogged to the uplands because of the great numbers of people who died in the battle.”
“It is from the battle that the house of Kaualua at Moanalua was built the bones of the people were the posts of the house, and the fence around it was all bones. It was the same with the battle at lao Wailuku, that battle was called Kepaniwai as the waters of lao were clogged with the men killed there.”
“It was the same at Kahokunui on Lanai. The deep pit was filled with many men killed in the battle called Kalaehohoma …” (Maakuia, Kaopuaua, Honolulu Mar. 18. 1862. [Maly translator; Hanohano Lanai])

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