“Department of Foreign Affairs, Honolulu, Feb, 12th, 1874 (to His Excellency Henry A Peirce, Minister Resident of the United States) – Sir: A riotous mob having unexpectedly made a violent attack upon the Court House and the Members of the Legislature, which we have not the force at hand to resist …”
“… I have to request that you will cause to be furnished at the earliest moment possible aid from the US ships ‘Tuscarora’ and ‘Portsmouth’ to the Police, in quelling the riot and temporarily protecting life and property.”
“Your obedient servant, Chas R Bishop,” (A similar request was made to Major James Hay Wodehouse, HBM’s Commissioner and Consul General) to land troops from HBM’s ship ‘Tenedos’.) (Hawaiian Gazette. March 4, 1874)
Whoa, let’s look back …
“During the latter part of January, 1874, the USS Tuscarora left San Francisco, under orders from the Navy Department to run a line of deep sea soundings from that port to Honolulu, with the object of determining a suitable route for a submarine telegraph cable to connect the two ports, these soundings to be taken at intervals of thirty miles apart.”
“When only a few days out from San Francisco and while engaged in taking a sounding in over 2,500 fathoms of water, we were overtaken and passed by the British gunboat Tenedos, which vessel was under full steam and sail power and heading direct for Honolulu.”
“The Tuscarora arrived at Honolulu during the morning of February 3, 1874, and found HBM gunboat Tenedos already anchored in the harbor. The pilot, a Mr. Babcock—I think gave us the only news of any importance in Honolulu at that time, which was to the effect that the Hawaiian King, Lunalilo, was at the point of death.”
“A few days after the death of the King the USS Portsmouth arrived and dropped anchor in the harbor abreast the Tuscarora. The Portsmouth was a sailing sloop-of-war then engaged in surveying work in the north Pacific and was commanded by Commander Joseph S. Skerrett, one of the ablest and most accomplished officers of the US Navy.” (Southerland)
On February 12, 1874, nine days after the death of King Lunalilo, an election was held between the repeat candidate David Kalākaua and Queen Emma, widow of King Kamehameha IV.
The election was held by the members of the legislature, not the public. The election was held in a special session of the Legislature at the old Courthouse on Queen Street (it was almost the last official action to take place in the courthouse.) When the vote was tallied, Kalākaua won by a count of 39 – 6.
Emma’s supporters (referred to as the “Queenites,” “Emmaites” or the “Queen Emma party”) were unhappy with the decision – an angry mob of about 100 of the Queen’s followers gathered.
“The United States Minister, Mr. Pierce, was cognizant of the seriousness of the situation and, in frequent conferences with Commanders Belknap and Skerrett, decided upon a line of action should the election be attended by disturbances which might result in jeopardizing the lives and property of American residents.”
“It was well known to him and others that the few native troops and the police force then in Honolulu could not be depended upon if the followers of the Dowager Queen were defeated at the election.”
“As we were all compelled to remain on board ship in this state of immediate readiness for landing, we were unaware of what was taking place during the session of the legislative assembly at the courthouse.” (Southerland)
“Immediately after the announcement of the election of Prince Kalākaua as King by the legislative Assembly, which took place about three o’clock on the afternoon of the 12th, it became apparent that the natives who stood around the building were not pleased with the result.”
“No outbreak occurred, till the Committee which had been appointed to notify the King of his election attempted to leave the building and enter the carriage waiting to convey them to the Palace. This Committee consisted of five representatives.”
“The crowd surrounded the carriage and laid hands on them, and they attempted to defend themselves, as best they could without weapons, two of them were badly wounded before they effected entrance into the building to which they retreated.”
“The carriage was almost instantly demolished, the spokes and other pieces serving as weapons to arm the rioters, who now began to be warmed up for further destruction.”
“A foreigner by the name of Foley, a British subject, who attempted to assist the Representatives, was knocked down and beaten by the rabble, until the British Commissioner came to his relief and escorted him from the scene.” (Hawaiian Gazette. March 4, 1874)
“The scene at the courthouse was wild in the extreme. About the building, enclosing it and our entire force on all sides, were gathered several thousand natives, quite a number of them grasping arms and legs of chairs and tables, and sticks or billets of wood and, for a time, the noise they made was almost deafening.”
“Many natives ran out of the courthouse from the side and rear, some joining the crowd and some running into the town. The ground around the building was littered with broken furniture, torn books and papers.” (Southerland)
“Immediately on the appearance of the naval forces, the rioters threw down their clubs and left the building, most of them going in a body to Queen Emma’s residence, shouting that to-morrow they would see that she was chosen Queen.”
“Here they continued to be very demonstrative, hurrahing and making speeches, until a detachment of marines and police entered the premises, arrested some and dispersed the rest.”
“The American Minister and the British and French Consuls were also on the ground during the disturbance; and active in endeavors to check the fury of the mob, and when they found their efforts useless, the two former quickly and cordially cooperated in complying with the request of the Government for the landing of troops from the war vessels.”
“Nothing but the prompt appearance by these forces on the scene put a stop to the riot, and saved the further destruction of property.” (Hawaiian Gazette. March 4, 1874)
“Commander Belknap and Commander Skerrett of the United States forces took possession of the square on which the court-house is built; and on seeing this, the mob melted silently and entirely away. The armed marines subsequently, at the request of the Hawaiian authorities, guarded the treasury, arsenal, jail, and station-house.”
“The British marines were marched to the residence of Queen Emma, and, after dispersing the rioters assembled there, they occupied the barracks and guarded the palace itself.” (Liliʻuokalani)
“The American and English landing forces patroled the city for a few nights and about one week later, no other disturbances occurring in the meantime, were withdrawn to their respective ships.” (Southerland)
That wasn’t the only time American Troops landed to keep the peace and/or restore order. It happened a couple of times …
“On the 30th of July, 1889, an insurrection was set on foot by Robert W. Wilcox and Robert Boyd (to overthrow the present Government of Hawaii and depose the King) on the afternoon of the same day, together with their adherents, about 100 in number, were defeated. The ringleader, with about 60 of his followers, was imprisoned.”
“As soon as possible I had communication with Commander Woodward of the USS Adams, and at once all necessary preparations were made to land a force, if found necessary for protection of the people and property interests.” (Merrill, American Legation; Blount Report)
“About 70 sailors and marines from the USS Adams, then in the harbor, were landed by permission with a machine gun to protect life and property at the legation and in the city, and their appearance on the streets had a favorable effect on the populace.”
“In this matter Commander Woodward fully agreed, and by permission of the minister of foreign affairs the forces landed about 5 o’clock pm. Early the following morning all the men belonging to the Adams returned to the ship.”
Americans landed, again, in 1893. “Queen Lili‘uokalani attempted on Saturday, Jan. 14 (1893,) to promulgate a new Constitution, depriving foreigners of the right of franchise and abrogating the existing House of Nobles, at the same time giving her the power of appointing a new House.”
On January 16, 1893, the Committee of Safety wrote a letter to John L Stevens, American Minister, that stated: “We, the undersigned citizens and residents of Honolulu, respectfully represent that, in view of recent public events in this Kingdom, culminating in the revolutionary acts of Queen Liliʻuokalani on Saturday last, the public safety is menaced and lives and property are in peril, and we appeal to you and the United States forces at your command for assistance.” (Pacific Commercial Advertiser, January 17, 1893)
“(A) small force of marines and sailors was landed from the United States ship Boston, as a precautionary step for the protection of American life and property, and as a safeguard against night incendiarism stimulated by the hope of plunder, greatly feared by many of the best citizens.” (Stevens, The North American Review, December 1893)
“The Marines were detached and sent to the American Legation on Nuʻuanu Avenue, while the sailors marched out along Merchant Street with two gatling guns and made a halt at Mr JA Hopper’s residence. About sundown they moved to the grounds of Mr JB Atherton’s and after a stay of several hours returned to the Arion Hall, where they camped overnight.” (Pacific Commercial Advertiser, January 17, 1893)
“At the time the Provisional Government took possession of the Government buildings, no troops or officers of the United States were present or took any part whatever in the proceedings.” (John Foster, State Department, February 15, 1893, Blount Report)
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Haunani Naumu says
Very interesting, thankyou