March 23, 1820 – Adopted the rules proposed last evening. (Thaddeus Journal)
March 23,1820. The following by-laws having been under consideration for some time, were adopted this evening:
That the Property furnished by the Christian public, either in money or other articles of any kind, for the purposes of the Mission shall be at the disposal of the members jointly and subject to their vote.
The property acquired by the members jointly or by individuals of the body either by grant, barter, or earnings shall also be subject to the disposal of the members Jointly.
The property thus furnished or acquired, either divided or undivided, shall be devoted to the general purposes of the mission, according to the tenor of our Instructions from the A. B. Com. F. M. and according to our own regulations, not incompatible with those instructions.
No member of this mission shall be entitled to use or allowed to appropriate such property divided or undivided, in bying [sic], selling, giving, or consuming, etc. in any manner incompatible with our general Instructions, or contrary to the voice of a majority of the members.
Should any member withdraw from the service of the AmerBoard, or abandon the mission, or without material consent separate himself from the community, or for heresy or misdemeanor be cut off from this church, he shall be considered, of course, as forfeiting all right to the patronage of the Board, and to the property of this community; – and that the holy cause may not suffer or be embarrassed by loss of property in such cases, if he shall have received a dividend of the property furnished by the Christian public, or acquired while under the patronage of the Board, he shall be bound to restore that dividend to the common stock, to be again at the disposal of the community.
Should any member of this Mission persist in violating the regulations of the Prudential Committee, or the rules adopted by this body, such violation shall be considered as uncharitable, insubordination to rightful direction, and sufficient ground for Christian Discipline.
Should it be thought advisable by this body that one or more of the members should be separate from the rest, in order more happily or effectually to secure the benevolent object of our mission, such person, or persons, whether separated at their own request, by the consent of the mission, or by nomination or ballot, shall be subject to the same general rules, as to support and labor, and the application of property and talents, and receive his proper dividend from the common stock.
No member shall be allowed to make a bargain, to bind his brethern, without their consent; but a Com. may be appointed, with discretionary powers to buy and sell for the community. (Minutes of the Prudential Meetings of the Mission Family)
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