February 17, 1820 – no entry. (Thaddeus Journal)
Feb. 17th.
Being confident that the most trifling or minute circumstance which interests us., will meet the feelings of maternal affection, I intend to give full scope to my pen in mentioning little particulars, which to others will probably appear insipid, and uninteresting. Were I by the side of my dear mother, I would tell her that we had new bread for tea this evening for the first time since we came on board. In addition to the enjoyment which we received in partaking of what seemed to us a rarity, it brought to mind, those tables we have been accustomed to surround in the dear family circle, and produced a familiar conversation upon the subject. Our entertainment ever has been, and still is good and comfortable; though very different from what we have teen accustomed to on land. May we hope that the time is coming when we shall be permitted to meet all the ransomed of the Lord and partake of that new wine, and living bread which Jesus has prepared for those who love him. – The mission family have not enjoyed as good health as they now do since they left America. Mr. R. observed last evening, that he has not felt like himself before since he came on board. The health which he now enjoys demands our gratitude and praise. May the afflictive hand of God, ever be laid gently upon us, and we be supported under it. Entered the trade winds this morning. The consideration that we are shortly to land on the heathen shores, covered with sin and pollution would be overwhelming, and cause us after all the advances we have made towards them, to think back, and exclaim, “who is sufficient for these things”, were it not that our help, is in the name of the Lord who made Heaven and earth.
“When through fiery trials thy path-way shall lie,
My grace all-sufficient shall be thy supply;
The flames shall not hurt thee, I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine”.
No fearing or doubting, with Christ on our side,
We hope to die shouting, the Lord will provide”. (Nancy Ruggles)
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