February 4, 1820 – Bearing North West with a fair S. West wind we continue our march towards our destination, aided by the good providence of God. (Thaddeus Journal)
Feb. 4th. I find many things in our way, bringing to mind the journey of the children of Israel in the wilderness. GOD watched over them, emphatically, by night and by day—carried them through difficulties and dangers with an outstretched arm, and when compelled, as it were, to chastise them by reason of their awful back- slidings, yet how did his infinitely compassionate mind, turn from his anger, so soon as they sought his face!
Over us too, since He called us from the bosom of our beloved country, has He, emphatically, watched, by night and by day,—in difficulties and in dangers has He taken us in the hollow of his hand, and carried us safely through; and when we have felt the rod, so light have been the strokes, and so mingled with mercies, as scarcely to allow us to say, “We are chastened.” Repeated and striking have been the instances in which he has shown himself a GOD ready to hear, even while we were yet speaking. 0, may a gracious God save us from our sins no leaa than from the outward evils which we deprecate!—ever save us from that spirit which led his chosen people, so soon after they had ’sung his praise, to forget GOD their Saviour, and wait not for his counsel’! (Sybil Bingham)
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