December 31, 1819 – no entry. (Thaddeus Journal)
Dec. 31st. It was early recommended to us, this week, to give much attention to the review of the sins of the now closing year. For myself, I must say, in many things have I offended, and in all come short. A retrospect fills me with self-abhorrence. I cannot enumerate what exceeds my greatest thought. In the account, sealed up for the last great day, all stands recorded. If it be not cancelled—if no Advocate be found for me in the person of the Judge, how shall I stand? Can future obedience, could it be attained to, atone? Vain hope I The blood of Christ I—there may I apply. (Sybil Bingham)
December 31. This is the last day of a year, big with events, to me the most important. This year has witnessed the most trying yet interesting scenes of my life. A new course is marked out for me to pursue: new hopes, new joys, and new sorrows are before me. I often review with pleasure the past scenes of my life, tho this pleasure is mingled with regret that they are never more to be realized, and the places that witnessed them may never more bless my eyes. Yes, I can, I do look forward with the most pleasing anticipations of future enjoyment. Yes, with the eye of faith I can look forward to the day when the sons and daughters of Owhyhee (the devoted subjects of the prince of darkness) shall become the true and humble followers of the Prince of Peace; when the Idols of Moriah shall be given to the moles and bats, and the true God and Jesus Christ shall be the only objects of religious homage. (Lucia Ruggles Holman)
12 Oc. (according to the mariners mode of reckoning time, which is from 12 Oc. at noon). Another year has commenced – and now my dear dear brothers and sisters, I wish you a happy New Year. May the best of Heaven’s blessings be yours, and er’e this year has passed away may your hearts be made glad with the reception of letters fraught with good news from Owhyhee. (Lucia Ruggles Holman)
31st. Rose this morning at 5 and went on deck just as the sun was making his appearance above the eastern horizon, and viewed the firmament without a cloud, and the vast extended ocean without a wave to interrupt the sight. All was calm and serene, though we dread a calm in this region. I stood by the side of the vessel a considerable time contemplating the infinite wisdom and goodness of God manifested in the works of creation and providence; and particularly the mysterious leadings of his hand with respect to myself the year past. Surely the Lord leadeth the blind in a way which they knew not. Neither myself nor any of my friends would have imagined at the commencement of the year, that a few short months would remove me 1,660 miles from them, and that dear home. What may be the results of another year, and how great its changes with me is known only to Him who fitteth immensity and inhabiteth Eternity. O may the grace of God. help me so to remember my days as to apply my heart unto wisdom.
Oh, time, how few thy value weigh,
How few will estimate a day;
Days, Months, and years are rolling on
The soul neglected and undone? (Samuel & Nancy Ruggles)
Dec. 31. This day will bring me to the close of another year. A year, the events of which are recorded in heaven, and on which depend my present and future happiness. It has been a scene of revolutions. Many are the changes through which I have passed, yet none, but what lay me under renewed obligations of devotedness to the cause of Christ. I have left forever my dear friends, and with a select few expect to spend many days in a heathen land, surrounded by savages who were barbarous and uncivilized. But where I assured that this is the path selected for me by my Heavenly Father, I should rejoice in the midst of trials and privations. This consolation, I for the most part enjoy. But at times, when I reflect upon the magnitude of the missionary work and my unfitness for it, I am led to doubt respecting the path tip of duty. In God alone is my hope, to him would I look for grace and strength, to bear me on my way. The year which is now about to close, will ever be reviewed with sensations of pleasure. How little did I think at the close of the last, that at this time I should be imprisoned on this in this little bark, and floating in the midst of the ocean. But God who is infinite and knowledge foreordained it thus, and in his righteous providence, has brought it to pass. Though I had long hoped to engaged in the work of the mission, I felt wholly unworthy of such an honor, and hardly dared hope to be indulged with such a privilege. “O what shall I render to the lord for all his benefits.” (Mercy Partridge Whitney Journal)
31. – I am now brought to the close of another year. A year big with events. A few months since I was enjoying the pleasures of a college life, surrounded by many dear friends, and drinking at the fountain-head of science & literature. At once I see myself breaking these dear connections, engaging in matrimony, leaving my country & embarking for the Isles of the Gentiles. Pause, Oh my soul! ‘imaginations airy wing repress, lock up by senses, led no passions stir’. It is for Christ, that I abandon the pleasures of Christian & civilized society? O God thou knowest. If thy presence & thy spirit go not with me carry me not up hence. (Samuel Whitney Journal)
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