December 28, 1819 – no entry. (Thaddeus Journal)
Dec. 28th. Truly GOD is good to me, a sinner I This morning is witness for Him, that his tender mercies are more than I can reckon up. O, to praise Him in some little measure as his great goodness demands 1 But a little while deprived of winds, our course is again rapid. Health smiles upon us, and each one able to be employed in body and mind. Myself in far better health than was usual for me—a supply of things comfortable—the cheering voice, the approbating smile of my precious friend to comfort and encourage me—his petitions and his songs of praise to raise my heart to GOD; and what is more, the kindly influences of GOD’s Spirit, I would hope, to cause this heart, so often cold, to feel Some meltings. Through grace, my morning song is,
“He’s GOD with us We feel him ours
His comforts in our souls he pours.” (Sybil Bingham)
28th. Perhaps the particulars respecting our mission family may divert our dear mother a few moments some future day, while sitting by her fire side. We rise about 5 in the morning, family prayers at 7 when a portion of the scripture is read and a hymn sung, and the season closed, with a prayer; breakfast at 8, dine at 1, and sup at 5, on water gruel. Evening prayers at g after which we generally walk half an hour for exercise and then retire. – Tuesday evening we devote to singing Wednesday evening a meeting of the prudential committee to transact on secular concerns, and friday evening the sisters have a meeting by themselves; leaving the other evenings to the disposal of each individual. — Though there are trials and privations of a peculiar nature, attached to the lives of these who leave country and home, traverse the tempestuous deep, to spend their lives in a land of paganism, still If cheerfully complied with, at the call of providence, with a humble desire to Glorify God, there are joys too, which the world can neither give nor take away. Our situation is in many respects much pleasanter than I anticipated, and I think it is every day becoming more and more so, notwithstanding our many little inconveniences. We are denied the society of these dear kindred and friends, whom we so much love, but this makes our little family circle the more precious. The sisters are very dear to me. A few weeks since, and we were all, except in one instance, entire strangers, now the most tender love, and sisterly affection subsists between each of us. 0 may this affection continue to increase till we close our earthly pilgrimage and at length become perfect in endless felicity. (Samuel & Nancy Ruggles)
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