November 29, 1819 – no entry (Thaddeus Journal)
Nov. 29th. Weather, to-day, peaceful, tho our progress not yet rapid. The quietude of the pleasant evening interrupted by domestic troubles. The steward unfaithful to his trust—convicted of having squandered, and abused, to his own hurt, things committed to his charge, leading others also into evil. 0, my soul how wilt thou stand when thy Lord reckonest with thee? This poor servant took the reward due to his crime—on him were inflicted stripes—none to stand in his stead. 0, my dear Redeemer, why is not my heart, by this little incident, led more feelingly to thee, who didst stand in the sinner’s place, receiving the stripes which divine Justice required, even such as drank up thy spirit, and overwhelmed thy holy soul, causing thee to cry out. “If it be possible, let this cup pass from me!” O, the amazing, the astonishing ingratitude of this stubborn heart, which yet does even hope the demands of Justice were satisfied against it by these stripes I Blessed Sacrifice, let thy blood be applied not only to acquit from condemnation, but to melt this icy heart. (Sybil Bingham)
29. For several days past our passage has been much retarded by contrary winds, but it is a sweet reflection that God will carry us to the heathen in his own time. This evening commenced singing meetings to be held regularly every Tuesday evening. (Samuel Whitney Journal)
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