“On the 24th (of April, 1823), we saw and made Hawaii (Owhyhee). At the first sight of the snow-capped mountains, I felt a strange sensation of joy and grief. It soon wore away, and as we sailed slowly past its windward side, we had a full view of all its grandeur.”
“The tops of the mountains are hidden in the clouds, and covered with perpetual snow. We could see with a glass the white banks, which brought the strong wintry blasts of our native country to our minds so forcibly, as almost to make me shiver. But it was not long before objects that were calculated to have a chilling effect of another kind, were brought to our sight.”
“Two or three canoes, loaded with natives, came to the ship: their appearance was that of half man and half beast—naked—except a narrow strip of tapa round their loins. When they first came on board, the sight chilled our very hearts. The ladies retired to the cabin, and burst into tears; and some of the gentlemen turned pale : my own soul sickened within me, and every nerve trembled.”
“Are these, thought I, the beings with whom I must spend the remainder of my life! They are men and have souls was the reply which conscience made. We asked them where the king was at Hawaii, or Oahu? They said at Oahu.”
“We informed them that we were missionaries, come to live with them, and do them good. At which an old man exclaimed, in his native dialect, what may be thus translated—‘That is very good, by and by, know God.’”
“This beginning of missionary labours seemed very encouraging; and in a short time our unpleasant feelings were much dissipated, and we conversed with them freely, through the boys, who were our interpreters. We gave them old clothes; and in return they gave us all the fish they had caught, except one large one, which we bought.”
“They remained with us until our boat went on shore, and brought us some potatoes, taro, and cocoanuts, which were very refreshing to us after a voyage of five months; part of which time we had no other diet than meat and bread.”
“I brought my little boy on deck (she was caring for the new-born child of the Stewarts, born on the way to the Islands), who was two weeks old; some of them took him in their arms, and in ecstasy exclaimed, aroha maitai—very great love to you; and kissed him.”
“The last expression of affection we could have dispensed with very well; but we have to become all things to all men, that we may gain some. They then bid us many arohas, and took their departure.”
“On Saturday, the 10th of May, we left the ship, and went to the mission enclosure at Honoruru. We had assigned to us a little thatched house in one corner of the yard, consisting of one small room, with a door, and two windows—the door too small to admit a person walking in without stooping, and the windows only large enough for one person to look out at a time.”
“Near us was another of the same kind, occupied by Mr. R, and opposite one much larger, where Mr. B. and E. resided. Next to them stood another small one, in which Mr. Ellis, of the London Mission Society resided; and in the mission house (which at home would be called small) there were Messrs. Bingham, Thurston, Loomis, Harwood, Goodrich, Blatchley and Chamberlain.”
“The family all eat at the same table, and the ladies attend to the work by turns. Mrs. Stewart and myself took each of us a day separately. I found my time fully occupied during our stay at Oahu, which I was not sorry for.”
“Had I been idle, I should not in all probability have been so happy in my situation as I was. I was obliged to stay within the enclosure all the time, except on the Sabbath, when I went to church, which was a few rods off: and in the morning early I went three or four times, with Mr. Stewart, to Mr. Allen’s (another former slave), about one mile and a half from home, for milk.”
Mr. Allen was very kind to me, and seemed happy to see one of his own country people. I think he told me he had resided on the island twenty years, and had never before seen a coloured female.”
“His wife is a native woman, but very pleasant, and to all appearance innocent. The first time I visited her she presented me with a very handsome mat, and appeared happy to see me. They are in good circumstances, and friendly to the mission. I regretted leaving them very much.”
“On the 26th of May we heard that the barge was about to sail for Lahaina, with the old queen and princes; and that the queen was desirous to have missionaries to accompany her; and that if missionaries would consent to go, the barge should wait two days for them.”
“A meeting was called to consult whether it was expedient to establish a mission at Lahaina. The mission was determined on, and Mr. S. was appointed to go: he chose Mr. R. for his companion, who was also appointed the next day. On the 28th we embarked on the mighty ocean again, which we had left so lately.”
“In the morning of the 31st, we all came on deck, and were in sight of land. In the middle of the day we came to anchor; the gentlemen left the vessel to see if they could obtain a house, or any accommodations for us. They returned in a few hours with Mr. Butler, an American resident, who had kindly offered us a house.”
“In the afternoon our things were landed, and we took up our residence in Lahaina. We had not seen a tree that looked green and beautiful since we left home, until we came here.”
“The water, too, is very good, and the house one of the best that I have seen on the island.—It is the same that Dr. Holman had while he was in this country. Mr. B. was very kind to us, and did ever thing in his power to make us comfortable.”
“His wife is a half-breed, and one of the prettiest women I have seen on the island. She understands English, but will not speak it. The next day, being the Sabbath, the gentlemen went down to the village in the morning, and preached by an interpreter.”
“The people were very attentive, and requested that their instruction might begin the next day; and accordingly the following day it did begin. Mr. Pitt dined with us the 2d of the month.”
“After dinner he said to the missionaries very politely, ‘I wish you much joy on the island of Mowee.’ He is a pleasant and sensible man, and the most influential of any on the islands: he favours the mission. The next morning Mr. Loomis and Mr. Butler accompanied him to Oahu, and left us with the natives and Mrs. Butler: William staid with the old Queen, so that we were quite alone.”
“Near the last of June I had another attack of the pain in my breast, with a little spitting of blood. At the time I was seized, we were without a lancet, or any means of obtaining one, except from a ship that had just come into the harbour.”
“Mr. P. sent to it and got one, and Mr. R. bled me. In a few minutes I was relieved, but was not able to leave the place until the 24th, when a brig came in sight.— Supposing it to have the deputation on board, I walked to the beach, and arrived just in time to see his royal highness land, amidst hundreds.”
“He appeared very well at the time, but we found soon after that he was in a frolic, and had left Oahu without its being known where he was going. The day previous to his arrival a schooner came in quest of him; and the day after, his own barge came, with two of his queens—he has four.”
“In his manners he is quite a gentleman. He reads and writes well. We regret very much that he is given to drink. He says he is afraid of the fire and has made several attempts to refrain, but has been unsuccessful.”
“The 29th was the Sabbath. I went in the morning with the family to worship: the scene that presented itself was one that would have done an American’s heart good to have witnessed. Our place of worship was nothing but an open place on the beach, with a large tree to shelter us: on the ground a large mat was laid, on which the chief persons sat.”
“To the right there was a sofa, and a number of chairs; on these the missionaries, the king, and principal persons sat. The kanakas, or lower class of people, sat on the ground in rows; leaving a passage open to the sea, from which the breeze was blowing.”
“Mr. R. addressed them from these words, ‘It is appointed unto all men once to die, and after death the judgment.’ Honoru acted as interpreter: the audience all appeared very solemn.”
“After service the favourite queen called me, and requested that I should take a seat with her on the sofa, which I did, although I could say but few words which she could understand. Soon after, biding them aroha I returned with the family.”
“In the afternoon we had an English sermon at our house: about fifty were present, and behaved well. In the morning one of the king’s boys came to the house, desiring to be instructed in English.”
“Mr. S. thought it would be well for me to engage in the work at once. Accordingly I collected a proper number and commenced. I had four English, and six Hawaiian scholars. This, with the care of the family, I find as much as I can manage.”
“July 3d,—In the afternoon I went, with a number of the natives, to purchase pine apples. After walking through Taro patches and water, we came to the pine apples, which appeared very handsome.”
“They grow on the edge of a pond of water; the fruit generally bangs in the water- one or two on a bunch—sometimes only one—which grows straight up on the bush. I obtained two apples, and seven plants, and returned home before night.”
“4th—In the morning, Mr. S. returned from prayers, with Mr. Ellis, the London missionary, who had just arrived from Oahu, on his way to Hawaii. I was very much disappointed to see him without receiving letters from America.”
“When we left Honoru, two vessels were expected ; one from New York, and the other from Boston. I often visited the beach to watch for sails: the vessel at last arrived, but brought me no letters. Oh may I be taught, to be submissive at all times.” (All from Betsey Stockton Journal; Christian Advocate)
Betsey, a former slave, was an American Protestant missionary to Hawai‘i. On the trip to Maui, she and the others joined Keōpūolani, former wife of Kamehameha and mother to two kings – Liholiho and Kauikeaouli.
Under the former traditional kapu, Keōpūolani was the highest-ranking person in the Islands; as a slave, Betsey Stockton wasn’t considered a person, rather property. The missionaries accepted her into the mission and was the first single-person to participate in the mission.
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