Cooks’ journal entry for January 5, 1779; reported his ship had rounded the south point of the island …
“On this point stands apritty large village, the inhabitants of which thronged off to the Ship with hogs and women … As we had now got a quantity of salt I purchased no hogs but what were fit, for salting, refuseing all that were under size …”
“… in general they being no other at first, but when they found we took none but the large ones, several went a shore and returned with some, however we could seldom get one about 50 or 60 Ib weight.”
“As to fruit and roots we did not want and it was well we did not for it was very little of either they brought with them, indeed the Country did not seem capable of producing many of either having been destroyed by a Volcano.” (Cook’s Journal)
“Some of the canoes that greeted Cook’s ship may have come not only from the South Point village, but also from those at Wai‘ahukini and Ka‘iliki‘i to the west and Keana and Kaalualu to the east.” (Kelly)
Wai‘ahukini was the last convenient landing place for canoes bringing people from the west side of Hawaii bound for the windward side, but proceeding on foot. (Emory, Bonk & Sinoto) This was a Royal Center used by Keōua and Kamehameha.
Royal Centers were selected for their abundance of resources and recreation opportunities, with good surfing and canoe-landing sites being favored.
The Hawaiian court was mobile within the districts the aliʻi controlled. A Chief’s attendants might consist of as many as 700 to 1000-followers, made of kahuna and political advisors; servants which included craftsmen, guards, stewards; relatives and others. (NPS)
Aliʻi often moved between several residences throughout the year. There was no regular schedule for movement between Royal Centers. In part, periodic moves served to ensure that district chiefs did not remain isolated, or unsupervised long enough to gather support for a revolt. (NPS)
“Wherever a ruling ali‘i had his establishment there was a large aggregation of domiciles. On Hawai‘i, the high chief of Kona lived at Kailua, in Ka‘ū he lived at Waiohinu or at Waio‘Ahukini below South Point (a favored fishing place). (Handy)
“In the lee of the great cliff (which was caused by a geologic fault) named Pali-o-Mamalu (Cliff-of-Protection) is Wai-o-‘Ahu-kini. The trade winds pass a thousand or more feet above it, which gives it a scorching desert climate in the daytime; but when the sun goes down it cools rapidly and the nights are cool.”
“Southerly cyclonic storms sweep in over the low shore, inundating the whole area. That is why there is, and has been, no permanent habitation here.”
“(T)he population settled in the two western ahupua‘a of Ka‘ū. Wai-o-‘Ahu-kini (Water of Ahukini) close by, with its spring, pond, and canoe haven, and the best fishing ground in all Hawaii …”
“… was awarded in the ancient land allotment to Pakini, then one of the most verdant of the plains areas of cultivation. “Doubtless it was Pakini’s numerous population, which gave its ali‘i power, that was responsible for this award.” (Handy)
“From the cliff above Wai-o-‘Ahu-kini and from the trail going down can be seen a stagnant pool close to the shore; this was evidently the ‘water’ of ‘Ahu-kini.”
“A broken lava formation offshore, which is called Ka-wa‘a-Iua (The-double-canoe) or Wa‘a-ka‘uhi (Canoe-resting-upon-shelter) is in line with the two heaps of stones. This formation was said to be the remains of a great double canoe which came from Kahiki.”
“West of this is a small outcropping rock, shaped like a turtle, which is called Honu-nui (Big-sea turtle). About a hundred yards west of the talus at the base of the cliff is a pond (loko) just below a swampy place with stagnant water in it; this shows evidence of having been encased with stone.”
“Formerly this loko was larger. It may have been a fishpond. Its name was Wai-Kalehune or Pelehune. A rough stone wall runs across the middle of this. There are various walls nearby, and an enclosure about 30 feet square whose walls are built of lava and coral chunks; inside the enclosure is a shallow pit surrounded by stones.”
“Mrs. Kelly concluded that it was in the pond described above that Keōua, high chief of Ka‘ū, and, after his death, Kamehameha, are said to have kept their canoes.” (Handy & Pukui) up
“One of the earliest foreigners to visit Ka‘ū was Archibald Menzies, the surgeon and naturalist on Vancouver’s voyage. Menzies had been in the Hawaiian Islands previously as surgeon on the furtrader Prince of Wales under Captain Colnett in the years 1787 and 1788, but he had not kept a journal of that visit.”
“Vancouver’s ships were in the Islands three times – 1792, 1793, and 1794. “On the 1794 trip Menzies was able to get to the top of Hualalai and of Mauna Loa. His successful ascent of Mauna Loa was on a trail that leads up from Kapāpala.”
“The approach to this trail from Kona. where Vancouver’s ships were anchored. Was by canoe to Ka‘iliki‘i, or Wai‘ahukini in Pi‘ikini, Kalli, and then overland on foot to Kapapala.”
“The canoe trip from Kona ended, Menzies wrote, at a ‘small village called Pakini (Pakini Village was probably Wai‘ahukini in Pikini Nui) near the south point of the island.’”
“He said the village belonged to Nāmāhāna, Ke‘eaumoku’s wife, and that he stayed in a house belonging to Keaweaheulu.”
“The overland journey began on February 10, 1794, as the party headed inland where they passed close by a ‘fine plantation belonging to Kamehameha, called Kahuku.’”
“Their inland journey turned northeastward about 5 or 6 miles from the shore. The path was narrow, winding, and in some places very rugged, seldom allowing passage of ‘more than one person at a time …. Towards evening we descended into a fine fertile valley and put up for the night at a village called Ki‘oloku, on a rich plantation belonging to Keaweaheulu’”. (Kelly)
“Rev. William Ellis, the second on-site visitor to leave a record, wrote at considerable length about the Ka‘ū portion of his tour around Hawaii. He was impressed, as were the historians of Cook’ s voyage, by the barrenness of the part of Ka‘ū that adjoins the Kona district.”
“Just before daybreak on July 27, 1823, Ellis arrived by canoe at the small fishing village and canoe landing of Ka‘iliki‘i. It is located about a mile west of Wai‘ahukini, where Menzies landed. Ellis wrote that they were ‘obliged to keep off the shore until day-light enabled them to steer between the rocks to the landing place’” (Kelly)
“At 10 am Mr. Thurston preached to the people of Tairitii (Ka‘iliki‘i), and the neighbouring village of Patini, all of whom are fishermen. They behaved with propriety, and appeared interested. We had sent out Makoa, our guide, soon after our arrival, to inform the people, that there would be a religious meeting, and invite their attendance.”
“He had gone much farther than we expected he would; and, just as Mr. Thurston had finished his sermon, he returned, followed by a considerable company from an inland settlement … They seemed disappointed at finding the service over.”
“As they said they could not wait till the evening, they and the people of the village assembled in a large canoehouse, and Mr Thurston preached again … After they had spent an hour or two in conversation with us, they returned, …. In the afternoon, Mr Thurston preached a third time. Between 70 and 80 were present … (Ellis)
“Undoubtedly the ‘neighbouring village of Patini’ was the village of Pakini mentioned by Menzies by Menzies and now called Wai‘ahukini.” (Kelly)
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