If you find the midpoint of the lake, and then look to the right, between the lake and the highway, there are two small white round dots visible. If you look closely, above those round white buildings on top of a lighter colored (presumably grass) patch, is a house. That was my fathers childhood house. He used to describe the lake to me, but I was never able to find any images. Truly, to whomever has taken the care and time to find and maintain these images, and for showing me something I had always hoped to see, but never thought I would, Mahalo nui loa.
If you find the midpoint of the lake, and then look to the right, between the lake and the highway, there are two small white round dots visible. If you look closely, above those round white buildings on top of a lighter colored (presumably grass) patch, is a house. That was my fathers childhood house. He used to describe the lake to me, but I was never able to find any images. Truly, to whomever has taken the care and time to find and maintain these images, and for showing me something I had always hoped to see, but never thought I would, Mahalo nui loa.