“Hilo district is to have an Independent sugar mill. Capital sufficient to establish a company, which is to be known as the Kaiwiki Milling Company, has already been paid in, and the promoters expect to begin operations in March, 1916. The 150 stockholders holders are all Portuguese.”
“More than 500 acres of cane are now being cultivated by Hilo ranchers for the first crop. The factory is to be located on the old Correa property in Kaiwiki, several miles from the town. The corporation will not cultivate any cane of its own at the present time.”
“The mill will be able to produce 12 tons of sugar daily and will cost, with complete equipment, $50,000. The Honolulu Iron Works is to be the builder.” (Star-Bulletin, August 4, 1915)
“Work on the erection of the sugar mill now being constructed by the Kaiwiki Milling Company, just adjacent to Hilo, is proceeding apace and within another six weeks the mill should be grinding cane.”
“This is the mill which is being built by the home-steaders, who have heretofore sent their cane to the Hilo Sugar Company’s plant, and the progress which has been made is considered very satisfactory considering the weather conditions which have prevailed.”
“Almost all of the foundations are now in; the two boilers are installed and a great deal of the milling equipment is up at the mill site. This site is approximately one thousand feet above sea level and considerable difficulty is experienced in hauling the material up, everything having to be brought up in an auto truck and placed into position by manual labor.”
“For the past five months the erection of the mill has been slowly progressing, but better progress is now being made. The mill is situated close to the head of the spring which supplies the surrounding land with water and in this respect there should be nothing wanting in future, as there is a plentiful supply of water at all times.”
“When the mill is operating, which is expected to be by the end of June, it is hoped to crush approximately one hundred and fifteen tons of cane per day of twelve hours.”
“For the season it is expected to derive between three hundred and fifty and four hundred tons of sugar, which, at the present price of sugar, will go a long way towards recompensing the homesteaders for the amount expended in the erection of the mill.”
“Peter Silva, president of the Kaiwiki Milling Company, is in personal charge of the erection of the mill.” (Planter and Sugar Manufacturer, June 17, 1916)
However, the opening of the mill ended is disaster … “This company had erected a mill … for the purpose of manufacturing sugar from cane to be grown by the homesteaders and independent land-holders in the vicinity of the mill.”
“The mill had just been completed, and … the mill machinery was to be started up for the first time and it was decided by the manager, after consultation with several of the directors of the company, who approved of the plan, that this occasion, which was of great interest to the company as well as to the community, should be duly celebrated.”
“On the day mentioned the mill machinery was started in operation, a bottle of champagne was broken over the rollers, speeches were made and a general feast was indulged in.” (Supreme Court)
“As so many Japanese were taking part in the celebration it was determined to have one part of the ceremonies devoted to them and for this purpose a small platform had been built upon the top of the mill tower … who would throw small ceremonial (rice) cakes to the crowd.”
“Before the eyes of two or three hundred men, women and children, four men tumbled from a lofty platform on the top of the tower of the Kaiwiki Sugar mill … falling forty or more feet to a shed roof and thence to the ground.”
“All four were rushed to the Hilo Hospital, where it was thought at first that two at least were fatally injured”. (Hawaiian Gazette, July 21, 1916)
Later, the future of the company looked promising, “According to the estimate of AM Cabrinha, president and manager of the Kaiwiki Milling Company, of Hawaii, this season crop of cane ground at the mill will amount to 1000 tons of raw sugar. … ‘The prospects of the company are very good.’” (Hawaiian Gazette, March 6, 1917)
Then, bad news, “A Kaiwiki Milling Company warehouse was destroyed by fire last night.” (Folks were on alert for arson.) (Star-Bulletin, March 20, 1917) Kaiwiki Milling eventually was absorbed into Hilo Sugar, then Mauna Kea Sugar/Hilo Coast Processing.
Kaiwiki Milling Company should not be confused with Kaiwiki Sugar Company; the latter started in the 1860s and later became O‘okala Sugar (1869,) then owned by the Hitchcock brothers (1875.)
The latter declared bankruptcy in 1909 and the plantation was bought out by Theo H Davies & Co (and renamed Kaiwiki Sugar Company,) then it merged with Laupāhoehoe Sugar Co. in 1957 and then ended up as part of Hāmākua Sugar. (HSPA)
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