November 30, 1819 – This evening opened a singing school for the improvement of ourselves and the officers in sacred music, and concluded to sing together one hour in a week besides at our ordinary seasons of social worship.
Lat. 28.13. (Thaddeus Journal)
Nov. 30th. This day commenced the study of the Owhyhee language. Shall I be permitted to speak in it, to those idolatrous natives, the wonderful works which Jehovah, the true GOD, has done—that of his creating, governing, and preserving a world, and what must most of all excite their astonishment, of his becoming incarnate and dying to redeem it I This evening held our first singing school. It is greatly to be wished that we could all join with our hearts and voices too, in singing praises to Zion’s King, at our morning and evening devotions, and public worship. I never felt more as if the time was at hand when I should be able to take part in it. (Sybil Bingham)
30th. Have just returned from a singing school in the cabin, Brother T. is our instructor. We enjoy much satisfaction, while tossing upon the ocean in singing the praises of him who rides upon the stormy wind and manages the seas. A whale seen today sharks and other large fish are frequently seen, but we have not been able to take any except a few flying fish which came on board in the night. (Samuel & Nancy Ruggles)
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