February 27, 1820 – Lords Day. – This morning our little church solemnly renewed their covenant with God and with one another.
At 12, Brother Thurston preached, on deck from Ps. At 4 P.M., after a sermon from Br. B. from Matth. 25: 26, 27, 28, on the significancy, the nature, and the tendency of that holy ordinance, the church was allowed to sit down at the Lord’s table, and to commemorate his dying love in the communion of his body and blood. It was a favored season. The day was truly interesting and happy. Seldom if ever have we been invited to this supper under circumstances more truly interesting and affecting. We chose the cabin where our little church of 17 members were like the family of Christ at the institutuion of the supper, furnished with comfortable seats around a large semicircular table, on which the elements and covenant vessels were placed and easily passed round, while the light propitious breeze bearing us gradually onward with the unsearchable riches of Christ, the peaceful sea, and the very gentle motion of the vessel could scarcely be considered as the least inconvenience. We have reason to believe that he who thus kindly ordered every circumstance was graciously present at his table and grantng us answers to the prayers of sister churches in America, and also to our unworthy petitions. A lecture on self-examination preparatory to the celebration of the supper had been given Friday evening preceeding from I Cor. 11:28, and it is believed that every member made special efforts to be in readiness and we hope it will promote our growth in piety, cement our union and increase our strength and our preparation for our work which seems now ready to employ our hands. Our next communion may be in the midst of the worshipers of Akooah. May they soon be prepared for a worthy participation. (Thaddeus Journal)
Feb. 27th. We feel as if we might, in our present situation, consider ourselves neighbors to our brethren, the dear Missionaries and converts at Otaheit, being in the same lat. with them and only what we term a little space of water between us in long. We did greatly desire that if it were the will of GOD, we might, in our journey, pass by them and be thus helped on our way.
But it has not been thus. Since passing the Cape we have been sent on in one swift, direct course towards the scene of our anticipated labors. The manner in which we passed those dreaded tempestuous regions and have since proceeded, is considered very unusual. Prom day to night, and night to day, we speed our way as an eagle through the air. We hope GOD has a work for us to do there soon. But, known to himself alone, is his eternal, wise and holy plan. If we are hastening to suffer, my soul would say, his glorious will be done. 0, to be daily encreasing in inward preparation for toil, suffering and defeat, or, for toil, suffering and victory, as shall seem to Him good 1 But faith would take hold of GOD’s blessed promises, believing victory shall yet be shouted, tho the sound reach not our ears on earth.
Every view, my dear sisters, taken of the picture before us, to human perception, darkens as we look. As we approach nearer, we are more particular in our enquires of the Capt. and Officers who have repeatedly visited the Islands. They state to us facts. Every conversation with them makes nature tremble, but (I hope) faith to grasp a firmer hold of her Anchor, Confidence in the lord GOD of Hosts. If He be as a wall of fire round about us, we may go undauntedly into the heart of the Enemy’s camp. The cause is his, and tho we, a little feeble band, go forth as Jesse’s youngest son from the sheepfold, with only sling and stone, still the cause shall prevail. And if He give us grace to go in David’s spirit, feeling that “the battle is the Lord’s,” and desiring that the earth may know that there is a GOD in Zion, I believe He will let our eyes, as He let David’s eyes behold Philistia’a champion fall, behold Owhyhee’s Idols totter till they fall to rise no more. (Sybil Bingham)
Sabbath 27th. Lat. 15. This has been a day replete with the mercies of the choicest kind. In the morning we convened in the cabin to hear and renewedly assent to our covenant with God and each other. At 12 public service, on deck. Brother T. preached from Ps. 17.15. The ships company made an interesting appearance, while they listened to the word of life.
At 4 in the afternoon this little church met around our family board, to partake of the symbols of the broken body, and flowing blood of a crucified Saviour. Probably this is the first time that this sacred ordinance was ever administered on the bosom of the Pacific; if not on any ocean. Many circumstances combined to render the scene peculiarly interesting, and in some respects, I think the most so t that I ever experienced. Here in the midst of the vast ocean, this ‘ little band of Christian Soldiers, who, a few months since, were for – the most part entire strangers, but now most tenderly allied to each other. (Nancy Ruggles)
Feb. 27th. This has been a precious, interesting one to us. Though surrounded by an ocean of water and floating on its surface, God has permitted us to enjoy a feast of love. He has kindly spread for us his table here on the great deep. This day we have enjoyed the first communion season since we left our native land. It is probably the first time this ordinance was ever administered on the bosom of the Pacific & perhaps on the ocean. Brother B preached from Mat, 26, 26, 27, 28. “Jesus took bread & blessed it & broke it & gave it to the disciples & said, Take eat: this is my body. And he took the cup & gave thanks & gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of it, for this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. He remarked that this was a season peculiarly interesting to him, it being the first time we had enjoyed a communion by ourselves, & the first in which he had been called to administer. (Mercy Partridge Whitney Journal)
27. – This has been an interesting sabbath. At 9 in the morning we met in the cabin & formally renewed our covenant. At 12 brother T preached on deck; in the afternoon brother B in the cabin. After sermon the Lords supper was administered. (Samuel Whitney Journal)
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