February 24, 1820 – Favorable winds have speedily brought us to the region of the regular trades, where we now enjoy the steady and propitious breezes. With the exception of a few hours, since the 8th inst. we have been sailing N.W., directly towards the S. Isles. Today we pass the Tropic of Capricorn and again enter the Torrid Zone in which we expect to end our days. Here again we would call upon our souls to bless and praise the divine goodness that has thus far covered us with so much prosperity. (Thaddeus Journal)
Feb. 24th. Crossed the tropic of [Capricorn] this morning. We have again entered the torrid zone expecting to spend the remainder of our days in this unfavorable clime. Who would not be willing to endure the scorching heat of a sultry region, a few fleeting days if thereby they may be instrumental of plucking immortal souls from the scorching of eternal burnings? (Nancy Ruggles)
Feb, 24. We are now in the torrid zone between 20 and 21 deg. S Lat. We make about 4 degrees in 24 hours, 2 in Lat and 2 in Long. Last evening the vessel plowed the deep with great rapidity. We stood and gazed with astonishment while thinking of that power, which could not only preserve this great building on the water but carry it with such force. I think we have never sailed faster. It is thought we shall reach Owhyhee in three or four weeks. My time has passed very pleasantly since seasickness. We often think & sometimes remark that perhaps we are spending the happiest part of our lives. On the passage I have read “Winslow sketch of Missions” and since then I have contemplated been driven about from place to place, without any fixed residents or certain place of abode. What will be our destiny in a heathen land among the rude and & barbarous people, is known only to Him who sees at one glance things present, past, and future. But I am not discouraged. I trust that he who has called us to leave friends & country for his sake, will be with & protect us. Dear parents, I entreat you not to feel anxious for me. I think I can say in sincerity, “none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear to myself, if I may but finish my course with joy and glorify God among the heathen. (Mercy Partridge Whitney Journal)
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