February 6, 1820 – Lat. 53° S. Lon. 78° w. – In many respects a pleasant sabbath. The Lord has greatly smiled upon us during another week, in delivering us so speedily from the Cape. Had this course of winds arisen a little sooner instead of proceeding directly on our course, we must have stood away upon the other tack, running South and East to avoid the danger of the weather inclement, but enjoyed our prayer meeting both in the morning and afternoon, and was enabled with joy to say again, “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. He still gives us favorable winds without and a comfortable state within. – Brother and Sister Ruggles scarcely able however to attend public worship. (Thaddeus Journal)
February 6, Sabbath, Lat. 59 – off the Straits of Magellan, west of Tierra del Fuego. Last night, the winds began to blow and the seas to roll, as we had never before witnessed; so that the two conflicting powers seemed to agitate the ocean to its very foundations. Our vessel labored excessively, the seas constantly breaking over, threatened every moment to overpower her. I think I never so much realized the weakness of man, and the power of the Almighty. After all, it is said we have had an uncommon favorable time in turning the Cape, such as few experience; and we feel that we can truly say that mercy and goodness hath followed us hitherto. (Lucia Ruggles Holman)
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