January 22, 1820 – no entry. (Thaddeus Journal)
Jan. 22d. Distance 163 miles; lat. obsd. 49°20′ South, long. deduced, 61° 37′ West; clear and pleasant weather. “I find the sea remarkably smooth since we have got to the westward. All on board are well, and in good spirits. The thermometer stands at 60°, varying at times from 58° to 63°.” (James Hunnewell)
Jan. 22nd. Going on our way. *Tis half-past nine, sabbath evening, but so long are our days it is not yet dark. The weather so peaceful, to-day, that we could not have had a better opportunity to have heard the word preached, if in our American churches. Sweet has been the day of “sacred rest”. I cannot express my feelings to you, to-night, my sisters, better than to say, that if mercies on every side, with the hope that, through grace, there is in the heart some feeling sense that they come from a Covenant GOD and Father, through a divinely compassionate Mediator, can give “Peace” and comfort, I feel such in my breast. I love to feel that you, with many of GOD’s dear children, are praying for it, and that your prayers are answering, adding another to the already numberless proof that GOD is, indeed, a prayer-hearing GOD. (Sybil Bingham)
Jan. 22nd. We have sailed rapidly since yesterday morning now progressing 8 ½ knots an hour though I can scarcely perceive the motion of the vessel, while I am writing. Now in Lat. 46. Lon. 63. sounded again this morning and found bottom, but owing to the rapid moving of the brig were not able to ascertain how many fathoms of water. Sea weed frequently appears floating on the surface of the ocean which has been beat off the rocks by the waves; some of it is covered with small shrimps. – Expect to see the Falkland Isles this afternoon or to-morrow if the wind continues in our favor. All of us in good spirits. I have not before to-day been sensible how great a tendency favorable winds have in dispelling gloomy feelings, and making our hearts cheerful. The cause which we have espoused is no less dear to our hearts, than when we first embarked. Though our voyage thus far has been long and unpleasant, yet we experienced no trials too great to be endured, for the sake of Christ, and the salvation of the poor heathen. Ninety one days since I bid dear America farewell. (Nancy Ruggles)
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