January 20, 1820 – Another whalesman appeared but we had not the opportunity to her though we passed very near her. (Thaddeus Journal)
Jan. 20th. Sounded and found it 65 fathoms. We are about 40 or 30 miles from the South American coast; Lat. 45. Long. 60. our Lat. is the same as it was last sabbath. I have been viewing our track which Capt. B. has marked out on the map, and think it must bear a striking resemblance to that which the children of Israel pursued, while in the wilderness. Hay we have no disposition to indulge a murmuring thought against him who rides upon the stormy winds and manages the seas. Surely if our Pilot and guide is possessed with infinite skill as we know he is, we will not fear tho’ the earth be moved, and the mountains be carried into the sea. (Samuel & Nancy Ruggles)
Jan. 20. This morning we sounded, and found 65 fathoms of water. It is the first time we have found bottom, since we hoisted anchor. Soon after three vessels appeared in sight which at first we suspected to be a privateers; but as they do not approach us, we clone conclude they were out on a whaling excursion. (Mercy Partridge Whitney Journal)
Jan 20. – This day sounded & found 65 fathoms. The first time we have found bottom. I should like to go onshore exercise a little get some fresh water, fruit, & make the Patagonians a short visit. Three ships discovered today: at first we supposed them to the pirates, but by their movements afterwards concluded they were whalemen. (Samuel Whitney Journal)
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