January 17, 1820 – no entry. (Thaddeus Journal)
17th. saw whales in abundance–of the size of this animal I had no conception before I beheld them. Of the animal kind they are the greatest curiosity that I ever saw. Samuel saw one (for nothing of the marvelous escapes his notice) which he called one of the first settlers. his head being covered with moss and seashells. resembling a craggy rock. We are visited every day by Albatrosses and Cape Pigeons. The former is a large bird resembling a goose only in its wings. which. when spread. extend 10. sometimes 15. feet. (Lucia Ruggles Holman)
Jan. 17. We have thought best to proceed in a systematic all manner. Each one to form a planned, and divide his time as is most for his convenience; appropriating two each portion some particular duty or employment, that no part of it may be wasted or misspent. Concluding you will like to know how I spend my time, I will give you my calendar for the day.
5 to half past 7, private and family devotions, and the use of my needle.
Half past 7 to 9, breakfast and exercise.
9 to 12, writing and study.
12 to 1, recitation and conversation.
1 to 2, dinner, and private devotion.
2 to 5, writing and reading.
5 to 6, study of the language
6 to half past 7, tea, conversation, and exercise.
Half past 7 to half-past nine, private and family devotions.
Half past 9 to 5, meditation and sleep.
In this manner I intend to spend my time for the present should nothing prevent. (Mercy Partridge Whitney Journal)
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