January 3, 1820 – Yesterday, “The Holy Rest,” was in the morning somewhat disturbed by the catching of a large turtle, for which purpose it was necessary for the ship’s company to let down a boat and spend considerable time The afternoon was pleasant. We had service on deck where a New Year’s sermon was delivered by Brother Bingham from Luke 4, 19, “To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.” After an introduction and an explanation of the text, he endeavored to show that by a due regard to our sins. our mercies, our engagements and our instructions of the past year, we might reasonably expect the New Year would be to us and to those with whom we may have intercourse, an acceptable year of the Lord. Mrs. C. is threatened with a fever.
This evening we have attempted to join with the Christian world in the great monthly concert of prayer for the prosperity of Zion, and the salvation of the Heathen. A letter dated in Boston and signed A.G. containing an earnest request for our prayers in behalf of the writer when we should be far from her, also the farewell letter of Brother Cornelius to the mission, were read and made the foundation of some remarks with respect to the feeling which our American friends cherish towards us, and to our correspondent duties. (Thaddeus Journal)
3. – We are now going at the rate of 200 miles a day cords that point of terror Cape Horn. (Samuel Whitney Journal)
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Annette says
This is fascinating and i very much appreciate the history of these times recorded,