December 12, 1819 – Enjoyed public worship. Br. T. preached. Rom. 12:2. “Be not conformed to this world.”
Lat. 2. 25. Lon. (Thaddeus Journal)
Dec. 12th. A calm and peaceful sabbath—hope GOD has caused it to be a good one to my soul. Went upon deck as the sun was coming up from the water, all was tranquil and serene. My soul Icaaged to shake off its slumbers with the shades of the night, and hail the beams of the Sun of Righteousness as mine eyes rejoice in the beams of the natural sun gilding the surface of the great deep. But I did not seem to awake. The spirit sympathised with the languid form, and I went to our social conference, at ten, in the cabin, feeling that, so low were my attainments, so languid my best affections.
“Earth was a tiresome place.” Then was read from Heb. what the inspired writer says of the “Rest” which remaineth for the children of GOD—was sung, the hymns, “Lord, what a wretched land is this,”—”There is a land of pure delight.” Brother T— concluded with prayer, blessing God that in our pilgrimage we were allowed to be comforted with truths such as we had been contemplating. The season was to me a melting one—thought I did feel through the hymn and prayers, that the language I could make my own.
At twelve assembled on deck for public worship. I felt that I had a favored hour, while before us was set the base ingratitude of the heart. Mr. B— addressed us from these words, “What could I have done more for my vineyard that I have not done in it? Wherefore when I looked that it should bring forth grapes, brought it forth wild grapes.” 0, may it not prove to be seed snatched away out of my heart, or others that heart I Lord, revive thy vineyard here. Thou mightest say, cut it down, destroy the hedges and let it lie waste. But, 0, thou covenant keeping GOD, spare we beseech thee—give not thy heritage to reproach.
Tho thou hast done much for us, yet breathe again upon us, and we shall live. Where else shall we look for help? Thou hast given us a high commission—art sending us forth with it to make proclamation to the heathen? but, O, we langninh, we faint;—give strength Divine Master, or we die. We look for help in ourselves, but ’tis not there—we cast our eyes around, hut find it not: blessed be thy name thou tellest us where to look—thou sayest, “Look unto me.” Lord, incline our hearts to and we shall. 0, that as in earnest that thou wilt indeed show us favor in our great work, not withstanding our ingratitude, let us, I beseech thee, have thy Spirit here, to quicken our own souls, and to bring these thoughtless souls, of this ship’s company, to bow at the footstool of the cross, and, deeply humbled under a sense of guilt, to rejoice in redeeming love. Thou hast said, all things are possible to him that believeth. Faith is thy gift. For the Redeemer’s sake may it be bestowed upon us all. Make the hearts of thy children in our dear native land to rejoice in the intelligence that GOD is indeed with us for good, granting their requests in giving us those that sail with us. (Sybil Bingham)
Dec. 12. We have enjoyed in a special blessing, a calm and pleasant Sabbath. Had a social prayer meeting in the cabin, and public worship on deck. Brother Thurston preached from Rom. 12, 2, “Be not conformed to this world.” I long to be crucified to the world and alive to God. O that I could feel more active in his service. Conformity to the world in the professed followers of Christ is what I greatly disapprove, and yet it is a sin of which I frequently feel guilty. O that I could feel more sensibly the right of responsibility that devolves upon me, and be enabled to live more devoted to Him whose cause I have expoused, and in whose service I expect to spend my days. (Mercy Partridge Whitney Journal)
12 – The Sabbath reminds me of the privileges I have enjoyed at college. Thought I should like to have heard Mr. Fitch today; but we have had a good sermon from Brother T. on the words, ‘be not conformed to this world.’ (Samuel Whitney Journal)
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