December 5, 1819 – Social worship only in the cabin. (Thaddeus Journal)
5th. How vast are our obligations to our covenant God. His mercies are new every morning, fresh every evening, and repeated every moment. This is the first day that my dear companion has been able to sit up the whole time since we came on board. (Samuel & Nancy Ruggles)
Dec. 5. We have family prayers regularly morning and evening in the cabin. The Capt and his officers generally attend. (Mercy Partridge Whitney Journal)
5. – Another Sabbath is now past. Alas what indifference to the word & ordinances of God. No preaching today owing to high winds. Sabbath evening is a time when I think much of home. The image of those dear friends who were meeting for the worship of God is brought up a fresh by that principle which associates past circumstances with like duties. But soon I shall meet them not in the likeness of human flesh but in the image of Christ their redeemer. (Samuel Whitney Journal)
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What did the layout of the Thaddeus look like, being only 80 feet long. Did they stop along the way to reprovision?
I do not have a layout of the Thaddeus. They did not stop until March 30 when they reached the Islands at Kawaihae. They did not anchor until April 4 in Kailua-Kona.