November 28, 1819 – Today we have been favored not only with the privilege of a prayer-meeting in the cabin, but with public worship on deck. Sermon on Repentance from Acts 17:30. by Br. B. The audience attentive and so hope benefitted. The Lord follow with his blessing the exhibition of his truth. (Thaddeus Journal)
Nov. 28th. Public worship at 10 a.m., in the cabin, and at meridian on deck for all hands. (James Hunnewell)
Nov. 28th. Calm, peaceful, and, I think, soul-cheering has been this sabbath. Awoke, and tho languid in feeling, did still feel that the day was the Lord’s. Such it has been to me. Yet, 0, the listlessness, which follows me all my days, in serving GOD,–my covenant GOD my reconciled GOD and Father i This day now closing, like all others, must find-me in despair, were it not Jesus has died—that through this dear Interceptor, I shall find acceptance. In the morning, at ten, our Mission family met in the cabin for social conference—at twelve, assembled on deck, when all belonging to the vessel, were present, to attend divine service. A canopy put up to shield us from the sun—the waters tranquil and serene. Mr. B— was enabled to address us from the word of GOD. A double blessing did it seem to me, to be permitted, under such circumstances, to hear divine truth, and to hear it from that dear friend who had, these many days, languished under much bodily weakness. Had with him, this evening, conversation of a most interesting nature, relative to scenes which may be before us. The subject was tender. By frequently taking such a view of our future path, may we be at once led to the infinite fountain of divine support, for provision for the hour of trial. (Sybil Bingham)
28th Lat. 29 Lon. 32. We are frequently lead to inquire why we are not borne more rapidly towards the place of our destination but it becomes continually to remember that all is for the best. May this motto ever be mine, may it be ours. Nothing remarkable has transpired to-day. (Samuel & Nancy Ruggles)
28. Nothing remarkable has occurred for several days. This is the fifth Sabbath we have spent on board and had but 3 sermons. This appears more like the sabbaths I have spent at home than either of the preceding. Brother B preached from access Acts XXII 30 to an attentive audience. May the blessing of God follow & repentance be ever found here in the midst of the seas. It affords us much comfort to think that at this time our prayers are ascending from us from a thousand altars in America. (Samuel Whitney Journal)
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