November 26, 1819 – Appointed Br. W. as a committee to take charge of the clothing cabin stores, and of our Native youths. They have been a great comfort and inspiration to the rest of the family, particularly Hopoo and Honoree during seasickness and rough weather. (Thaddeus Journal)
Nov. 26th. The two last have been days, not of gloom and despondency, but of tender melancholy. I trust it has not been altogether an unprofitable season. But while my heart has fainted within me at a sense of falling so far short of what GOD most righteously demands of me, my spirit has been made to rejoice in the blessed truth, “The blood of Christ cleanseth from all sin.” 0, for heart-meltings indeed, in view of my much ingratitude to this Divine Saviour, this Heavenly Friend! Last night had a peculiarly precious season in the conversation of my dear friend. The watch announced at midnight while he continued, with words of sweet encouragement tending to strengthen, while yet to humble my desponding heart. 0, to be what he would persuade himself I was I 0, to profit by such an instructor, counsellor, guide and friend! (Sybil Bingham)
Nov. 26, 1819. At a Meeting of the brethren, it was voted that the Spirituous liquor, necessary for Thomas Hopoo, John Honoree, and William Tennooe be kept by brother Whitney, to be given to the above named persons, according to the direction of Dr. Holman.
It is understood that the White Wine, divided among the members of the Mission, be only used as a Medicine – The clothing for T. Hopoo, J. Honoree, and Wm Tennooe is to be kept by brother Whitaey, who shall distribute to them according to their necessities, and keep an account of the articles distributed. (Minutes of the Prudential Meetings of the Mission Family)
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