November 23, 1819 – no entry. (Thaddeus Journal)
Nov. 23rd. Tossed up and down on this mighty deep, not suffered to make but little progress, we do note some of the Christian graces peculiarly in exercises. Sabbath day, not permitted, by reason of the sea being so very boisterous, to have public worship, I felt myself sick, and too much I suffered the continued sickness of my dear husband, to weigh down my spirits and make my heart heavy. 0, may I not murmur i In my better moments, and I would fain hope uniformly so, I bless GOD that I am where I am, on my way to the heathen—that in his holy providence I am allowed to have so high a commission, and to be numbered among those who are called to make sacrifices in his blessed service. 0, may I be found faithful, and at last accepted through grace. (Sybil Bingham)
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