November 19, 1819 – Blest with precious seasons of soul devotion. The divine spirit seems in some measure to dwell with me. Able to attend morning prayers. (Thaddeus Journal)
Nov. 19th. Lifeless as I am, I feel that I cannot rest without recording in my heart, and with my pen, the goodness of GOD through the past day. For myself, the valley of humiliation would best become me, for, O, where is the ardour of feeling which my mercies demand J Enjoyed, this morning, upon awaking, a tender and solemn season in united supplication with my dearest friend, in which his soul seemed melted and his spirit bowed down in view of the awful responsibility of his station. Went from our little room to the family altar, around, which, in the morning, we had not before been permitted to assemble. There seemed some meltings of heart with several, which, I trust, has been the case through the day. This evening, met the sisters in sister T—’s room, hoping to renew our covenant obligation, one with the other,—to act the part of members of one body to watch over, exhort, admonish, and reprove, as occasion may require.
We could not exactly feel alike on the subject of social prayer at these seasons, in our present inconvenient situation? yet, I trust, all came to the conclusion that it was both our duty and privilege, and resolved, the grace of GOD assisting us, to do accordingly. May He who has styled himself a prayer-hearing GOD, accept and bless us in it. (Sybil Bingham)
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