November 13, 1819 – Strong gales and slow progress, but returning health demands our gratitude.
Lat. 37. 19. (Thaddeus Journal)
Nov. 13th. It is three weeks to-day since we came on board. Most of us have the principal part of the time, been confined by sea-sickness. Mr. W. and the native youth experienced but a slight touch of that dreadful disorder. Those who were severely attacked were unable to help themselves; and it seemed providential, that some were so well as to be able to wait upon the rest. We are subject to many inconveniences; but as yet we have been pretty comfortable. The Capt. and officers have been kind to us in our sickness, for which I hope we feel grateful. Our temporal comforts far exceed my expectations. We enjoy many mercies in the midst of privations; but still, our present situation is much unlike that happy dwelling where I have spent the days of childhood and youth. O that you could duly estimate, then would you more highly prize your distinguished blessings and privileges. We have just passed the vessel, which we have every reason and to think is bound to America. We did not speak with her, as there was no probability of getting to her on account of the roughness of the sea. It would be very pleasant to send you some communication, as well as two receive some intelligence from you, but of such a gratification I must at present be denied. (Mercy Partridge Whitney Journal)
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