October 23, 1819 – Mr. Evarts, the treasurer, having engaged a passage for the mission on board the brig Thaddeus, Captain Blanchard, for $2,500, exclusive of provisions for a long voyage, she was made ready for sea, by the 23d of October. In the forenoon of that day, Mr. Thurston gave the parting address of the mission to its friends, at Park St. Church, that monthly concert temple dear to many a missionary heart.
They repaired together to the wharf, where they united in a parting hymn, pledging a close and permanent union though far and long separated;-
‘When shall we all meet again?
When shall we all meet again?
Oft shall wearied love retire;
Oft shall glowing hope expire;
Oft shall death and sorrow reign,
Ere we all shall meet again.
‘Though in distant lands we sigh,
Parched beneath a hostile sky;
Though the deep between us rolls,
Friendship shall unite our souls;
And in fancy’s wide domain,
We shall often meet again.
‘When the dreams of life have fled;
When its wasted lamps are dead;
When in cold oblivion’s shade,
Beauty, power, and fame are laid’
Where immortal spirits reign,
There may we all meet again.
Oct. 23, 1819 – This day in the good providence of God, we have been allowed to leave our dear native shores on an embassy of mercy, having been set apart to the work of propagating the gospel in the Sandwich Isles. Having been commended to God and to the word of his grace by the Rev. Dr. Worcester, and attended on board by many dear friends to whom with tears we gave the parting hand, we left Boston harbor with a prosperous gale, and with peculiar smiles of heaven. The little mission family containing 22 souls attended by G.P. Tamoree is this evening blessed with universal health.
He who has called us is faithful, and though we go out to a foreign land not knowing the things that shall befal us there, we cheerfully commit ourselves to his guidance and protection and endeavor to give up ourselves and all we have, to be forever employed in his service. (Thaddeus Journal)
Oct. 23, 1819. – This day by the good providence of God, I have embarked on board the brig Thaddeus (Blanchard master) for the Sandwich Islands to spread the gospel of Christ among the heathens. At 8 oclock took breakfast with the good Mr. Homer; at 11, gave the parting hand toward our dear friends on shore, & came on board accompanied by the Prudential Com. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight and some others. At 1 the sails were hoisted & we soon left sight of a multitude of friends who were lifting up holy hands in their behalf. This evening we came to anchor off Boston light. (Samuel Whitney Journal)
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