“Victoria is the county seat of Victoria County, and is situated in the southeastern part of Southwest Texas, on the right bank of the Guadalupe River, about 114 miles southwest of San Antonio, and 28 miles from the Gulf of Mexico.”
“It is one of the oldest towns in the state, having been founded in 1822 and incorporated in 1836, the first year of the independent Republic of Texas. The actual history of the school in Victoria goes back to the time of Reverend A Gardet who took over the care of St. Mary’s Parish in Victoria in 1857.”
“After building a church and a convent of the Incarnate Word Sisters he erected a building of two stories on the corner of Main and Church streets. In this building he started a day school for boys.”
“[I]n 1870 a group of three Brothers, on their way from New Orleans to San Antonio, went through Victoria. One of these Brothers [was] Matthias Newell …. The Brothers spent several days with the pastor whom Brother Matthias described as a ‘very friendly old man.’” (Pariseau)
Matthias Newell ( 1854-1939) was born in Zerf, Bavaria, where his father was a forest warden. The Newell family immigrated to the US while Matthias was still a child. In 1868 he joined the Society of Mary at Dayton, Ohio. (Texas Ornithology Society)
“Brother Matthias, as Mr. Newell is familiarly known to the Catholic brotherhood, came to the [Hawaiian] Islands some seventeen years ago [1885] from San Antonio, Texas, where he had already gained the local title of ‘Rattlesnake-catcher,’ owing to his zeal in the various branches of natural history.”
“From the Brothers at the college I learn that after a year’s residence in Honolulu he moved, to Wailuku on Maui, where he spent fourteen years in the Catholic mission in Iao valley. … From Wailuku Mr. Newell was removed to Hilo on Hawaii”. (Bryan)
“When the Sacred Hearts sisters discussed hiring lay teachers, math and science were the fields they most willingly abandoned. Even when a competent science teacher found his way onto a faculty roster, he was unlikely to transform his class with innovative methods.”
“Brother Matthias Newell, who taught at St. Mary’s School from 1896 to 1924, supplemented the brothers’ income by practicing applied science. He was the agricultural inspector at Hilo’s wharf, cared for the Territorial Nursery there, and monitored the seismograph machine.” (Alvarez)
“In August 1909, Brother Mathias Newell was appointed to establish a tree nursery in Hilo by the Territorial Board of Agriculture and Forestry. He was given a small stipend for supplies and compensation for his time.”
“Brother Mathias was an avid cataloger of species, having recorded specimens of birds and moths endemic to the islands in the 38 years he spent in Hawai‘i. …”
“The nursery proved successful as in the first year Brother Mathias distributed 3,500 trees to residents in Hilo and Hāmākua. Around this time, homesteading was booming across the island – there was a great demand for fruit and timber trees – while there was also a curiosity about what could grow in the range of Hawai‘i Island’s climates.”
“Charles S. Judd’s interest in testing exotic trees on Hawai‘i Island led him to Brother Mathias. Charles was the Territory of Hawai‘i superintendent of forestry from 1915 until his death in 1939. He was born and raised in Hawai‘i, and after graduating from the Yale School of Forestry, returned to direct the administration of the forest reserve program.” (Anderson, Ke Ola)
But it was the ‘A‘o that is more memorably linked to Brother Newell. “The ‘A‘o went unnoticed by foreign naturalists for a long time, given the fervor by outsiders in the last decade of the nineteenth century to document bird life in the islands.”
“‘I have described a new Puffinus from Maui,’ mainland transplant Henry Henshaw wrote in 1900 to Ernst Hartert, the ornithology curator at Walter Rothschild’s private museum in Tring, England, referring to the bird’s first published description.”
“‘It ought to be common but if so how did [collectors Henry] Palmer, [Scott] Wilson and [RCL] Perkins overlook it?’ … Henshaw named the bird after its discoverer, Brother Matthias Newell, a missionary in Wailuku, in 1894.”
“One of the sugar plantation workers employed by Werner von Graevemeyer, a manager, caught one of the birds, skinned it, and had it sent immediately to Newell to be stuffed.”
“Henshaw noted at the time that the species was ‘numerous enough’ but that the mongoose was rapidly exterminating the birds.”
“The ‘A‘o had been first discovered by nonnatives in 1893 when one blew ashore on Maui after strong southerly winds and heavy rain, but nothing came of it until the following year. It had apparently been long known to the natives.”
“William Bryan and Alvin Seale noted in their report on a 1900 collecting trip on Kauai. ‘The fact that the native name of this bird has come down to us through all these years …”
“… but that the species to which it had been applied by the kanaka naturalists should but so recently come to the light of science speaks much in the favor of those skilled old bird-catchers who had worked out the ornithology of their land with such exactness.’”
“Very little was known about the ‘A‘o, and Henshaw noted in 1900 that ’as to nests and notes upon the breeding habits of Hawaiian birds I assure you the gaps will be long in filling.’ By 1908 it was thought to be extinct.”
“However, a trio of the birds was sighted offshore in the summer of 1947 between Kauai and Ni‘ihau. Eight years later the bird was confirmed to exist, and in 1967 it was discovered by none other than John Sincock to be breeding on Kauai.” (Unitt)
“The field biologist located the bird’s long-lost breeding grounds and would go on to fill in just the kinds of gaps Henshaw had lamented decades earlier.”
“As a result, more than sixty years after Henshaw’s initial description of the bird (the 1947 sighting) buried in a report on Alaskan birds, went almost entirely unnoticed), the shearwater received some renewed attention.”
“The nesting locations of the Newell’s shearwater on Kauai and other islands had been known to both natives and foreigners in the early twentieth century, but were forgotten. It was later discovered that colonies existed on other islands, but mongoose predation, feral cats, and Barn Owls had dramatically reduced their numbers there.”
“Henry Henshaw noted that natives had found the birds in the burrows on Maui and brought them to Matthias Newell alive. Ornithologist William Bryan, writing to Richard Sharpe at the British Museum, observed in 1908 that …”
“…‘P newelli … nest[s] in the high cliffs 2000-4000 [feet elevation, on Molokai in holes under the roots of etc in the tangle trees – undergrowth and vines and are very hard to locate.’” (Lewis)
“Newell’s Shearwater nests only in the Hawaiian Islands, primarily on Kauai. Its pelagic range lies primarily in the Equatorial Countercurrent, between 4° and 10° N. It occurs mainly between 160° and 120° W, but small numbers range east to 106° W, well to the east of the longitude of California.” (Unitt)
“It breeds in at least 20 colonies on mountain slopes in the Hawaiian Islands. The main colonies are on Kauai, on slopes around the Alaka‘i Plateau and probably in the Mokolea Mountains. Its distribution on the other islands is uncertain but it is known to breed on Molokai and the island of Hawai‘i and may breed on O‘ahu, Maui and Lānai. “
“From April to November it can be seen in the waters around the Hawaiian Islands, particularly around Kauai. Outside the breeding season, it disperses into the tropical Pacific Ocean. Its distribution at sea is little known but many move south and east into the waters of the Equatorial Counter Current.” (Ramel)
“The species has been collected or photographed as far west as Guam and Saipan in the Mariana Islands. It has been collected as far south as Tutuila, American Samoa, and Dargaville Beach, New Zealand. There are no previous records of Newell’s Shearwater for the coast of North America or as far north as the latitude of Del Mar (32.95° N).”
“A Newell’s Shearwater (Puffinus [auricularis] newelli) captured alive on land at Del Mar, California, on 1 August 2007 was the first of its species to reach the continent of North America or a latitude so far north.” (Unitt)
The Newell’s Shearwater has been declining at an accelerating pace on its breeding islands, principally as a result of depredation by introduced predators, habitat deterioration and hurricanes. Therefore, it is listed as Critically Endangered. (BirdLife)
“In 1924, Newell returned to the University of Dayton where he taught until his retirement. His collection of plants, birds and insects went to the Bishop Museum in Honolulu.” Newell died in Dayton, Ohio, on October 12, 1939. (Texas Ornithological Society)

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