It’s a forest education fair for the whole family with a funny name – the Banana Poka Round-Up!
An invasive pest from South America, the Banana Poka vine, with its gorgeous bubble-gum pink blossoms, is the “poster weed” for this zany annual event.
It is just one of the many threats to the health and diversity of Hawaiian forests – and also a fabulous craft material. The Round-Up always features a huge tent where you can learn how to make a basket out of the pest.
Held in early summer, May 27, 2012, in Kanaloahuluhulu Meadow, the event features basket making, great live music, exhibits by organizations and agencies that work to save the environment, along with lots of activities for kids – face-painting, hiking, painting from nature, as well a walking stick from guava saplings.
Right after the Memorial Moment and Pedal to the Meadow Biking winners, a Crowing Contest is held – everyone from little kids to adults join in!
Banana Poka Round-Up enters third decade of forest fun May 27, 2012
Sponsored by Hui o Laka since 1989, the 23rd annual Round-Up includes several new features, including being the finish line for the second annual Pedal to the Meadow bike race, a Kekaha-to-Kōkeʻe race that begins at 7:00 am Sunday morning.
07:00 am Start Pedal to the Meadow bike race, a Kekaha-to-Kōkeʻe race
09:00 am Early finishers of bike race
10:00 am Start Banana Poka Round-Up
10:00 am Banana Poka Basketmaking
10:00 am Harry Koizumi
11:00 am Paul Tokioka
12 noon Memorial Moment
12:15 pm Pedal to the Meadow Results
12:30 pm Russell the Rooster Crowing Contest
12:30 pm Family hike on the Berry Flats Loop
01:00 pm Banana Poka Basketmaking
02:00 pm Banana Poka Basketmaking
04:00 pm Pau Banana Poka Round-Up
Daylong Ikebana Flower arranging and hiking stick whittling
Also, please consider joining Hui O Laka (I am a new and proud member.)
Kōkua Kōkeʻe (Hui o Lakaʻs stewardship program) is looking for new members so it will be able to grow into the first ongoing (as in year-round and continuous) natural resources management program that is NOT funded by government.
They want to expand this forest ʻohana before their 60th anniversary and dedication of the CCC Camp in 2013!
It really does not matter what level folks join at … here’s a link to their website:
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